选手序号 |
进场时间 |
时间 |
地 点 |
1号—41号 1—9号免试报名 |
15:30 |
10月16日(星期三)下午15:30点 请参赛同学(包括免试)准时到场。 请参加活动老师提前10分钟候场。 |
为政楼四楼 模拟联合国社团活动中心 |
评 委 |
选拔赛记分员 |
免试登记员 发放号码牌 |
摄像摄影 |
现场协调 |
曹淑莹、万碧云、谷虹、高新艳 梁钰(扬州)、 朱玲(扬州) |
王晓敏、桑翊淇 (请自带电脑) |
孔垂丽 |
张丹丹 |
修 非 |
评价 标准 选手 序号 |
个人气质 |
英语能力 |
演讲内容 |
舞台表现 |
领袖才能 |
得分 |
服装整洁得体 举止大方礼貌 形象气质身高 30分 |
口语表达流畅 内容易于理解 语音语调标准 40分 |
表达国家立场 体现调研成果 结构框架完整 10分 |
有激情有逻辑 感染力说服力 台风自信大方 10分 |
脱稿演讲 声音洪亮 时长恰当 10分 |
Topic: Ensuring a Sustainable and Equal Future to People with Disabilities
Approximately 15% of the worldwide population suffers from some form of disability,
being affected by long-term physical, mental, sensory or intellectual impairments that
may limit their ability to participate effectively and fully in society.4 This highlights the
importance of pursuing disability inclusion and the necessity for new strategies
and innovative solutions that can ensure an effective participation in society for
disabled people and grant a comprehensive, barrier-free environment both offline and online
Please prepare a 2-minute speech according to this topic. The content of the speech should highlight the specific measures to improve the lifestyle of the disabled, and pay attention to the rhythm and passion during the speech.