【名著阅读】悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第13期:酒神文化

来源:仪征中学 时间:2024-06-26


They felt more than that: their whole existence, with its temperate beauty, rested upon a base of suffering and knowledge which had been hidden from them until the reinstatement of Dionysus uncovered it once more.
And lo and behold! Apollo found it impossible to live without Dionysus.
The elements of titanism and barbarism fumed out to be quite as fundamental as the Apollinian element.
And now let us imagine how the ecstatic sounds of the Dionysian rites penetrated ever more enticingly into that artificially restrained and discreet world of illusion, how this clamor expressed the whole outrageous gamut of nature-- delight, grief, knowledge-- even to the most piercing cry;
and then let us imagine how the Apollinian artist with his thin, monotonous harp music must have sounded beside the demoniac chant of the multitude!
The muses presiding over the illusory arts paled before an art which enthusiastically told the truth, and the wisdom of Silenus cried " Woe!" against the serene Olympians.
在这种在陶醉中说出真理的艺术面前,假象之艺术的女神暗然失色!西列诺斯的智慧,对着这位静穆的奥林匹斯梦神高呼:“哀哉! 哀哉!”
The individual, with his limits and moderations, forgot himself in the Dionysian vortex and became oblivious to the laws of Apollo.
Indiscreet extravagance revealed itself as truth, and contradiction, a delight born of pain, spoke out of the bosom of nature.
Wherever the Dionysian voice was heard, the Apollinian norm seemed suspended or destroyed.
Yet it is equally true that, in those places where the first assault was withstood, the prestige and majesty of the Delphic god appeared more rigid and threatening than before.
The only way I am able to view Doric art and the Doric state is as a perpetual military encampment of the Apollinian forces.