'I
should
recommend
you
looking
up
a
friend
or
so,
'
said
Mr
Brogley,
'and
talking
it
over.
'
“我想建议您去找位朋友,”布罗格利先生说道,“跟他谈谈这件事情。”
'To
be
sure!
'
cried
Walter,
catching
at
anything.
'Certainly!
Thankee.
Captain
Cuttle's
the
man,
Uncle.
Wait
till
run
to
Captain
Cuttle.
Keep
your
eye
upon
my
Uncle,
will
you,
Mr
Brogley,
and
make
him
as
comfortable
as
you
can
while
am
gone?
Don't
despair,
Uncle
Sol.
Try
and
keep
a
good
heart,
there's
a
dear
fellow!
'
“完全正确!”沃尔特急忙抓住一切机会,喊道。“当然该这么办!谢谢您。卡特尔船长就是我们所需要的人,舅舅。等着我,等我跑去找卡特尔船长。布罗格利先生,当我不在家的时候,请您照看一下我的舅舅,尽量安慰安慰他,好吗?不要灰心丧气,所尔舅舅。努力振作起精神,这才是个男子汉!”
Saying
this
with
great
fervour,
and
disregarding
the
old
man's
broken
remonstrances,
Walter
dashed
out
of
the
shop
again
as
hard
as
he
could
go;
and,
having
hurried
round
to
the
office
to
excuse
himself
on
the
plea
of
his
Uncle's
sudden
illness,
set
off,
full
speed,
for
Captain
Cuttle's
residence.
沃尔特热情洋溢地说完了这些话,不顾老人上句不接下句地劝阻,迅猛地又冲出了店铺;他急忙跑到办公室,借口他舅舅突然病了,请求准假,然后火速地向卡特尔船长的住所进发。
Everything
seemed
altered
as
he
ran
along
the
streets.
There
were
the
usual
entanglement
and
noise
of
carts,
drays,
omnibuses,
waggons,
and
foot
passengers,
but
the
misfortune
that
had
fallen
on
the
wooden
Midshipman
made
it
strange
and
new.
Houses
and
shops
were
different
from
what
they
used
to
be,
and
bore
Mr
Brogley's
warrant
on
their
fronts
in
large
characters.
The
broker
seemed
to
have
got
hold
of
the
very
churches;
for
their
spires
rose
into
the
sky
with
an
unwonted
air.
Even
the
sky
itself
was
changed,
and
had
an
execution
in
it
plainly.
当他沿着街道跑过去的时候,一切似乎都已改变了。像往常一样,手推车、大车、公共汽车、运货马车和行人混杂在一起,熙熙攘攘,发出了各种闹声,可是落到木制海军军官候补生身上的不幸使它们变得古怪与新奇。房屋与店铺跟它们平日的样子不同,正面有很大的字母写着布格罗利先生的付款通知单。这位经纪人似乎把教堂也掌握在手中了,因为它们的尖顶以一种不同寻常的气概升入了天空;甚至天空本身也改变了,也明显地参与了这件事情的执行。
Captain
Cuttle
lived
on
the
brink
of
a
little
canal
near
the
India
Docks,
where
there
was
a
swivel
bridge
which
opened
now
and
then
to
let
some
wandering
monster
of
a
ship
come
roamIng
up
the
street
like
a
stranded
leviathan.
The
gradual
change
from
land
to
water,
on
the
approach
to
Captain
Cuttle's
lodgings,
was
curious.
It
began
with
the
erection
of
flagstaffs,
as
appurtenances
to
public-
houses;
then
came
slop-
sellers'
shops,
with
Guernsey
shirts,
sou'wester
hats,
and
canvas
pantaloons,
at
once
the
tightest
and
the
loosest
of
their
order,
hanging
up
outside.
These
were
succeeded
by
anchor
and
chain-
cable
forges,
where
sledgehammers
were
dinging
upon
iron
all
day
long.
Then
came
rows
of
houses,
with
little
vane-
surmounted
masts
uprearing
themselves
from
among
the
scarlet
beans.
Then,
ditches.
Then,
pollard
willows.
Then,
more
ditches.
Then,
unaccountable
patches
of
dirty
water,
hardly
【打印本页】【关闭窗口】