Mr
Brogley
himself
was
a
moist-
eyed,
pink-
complexioned,
crisp-
haired
man,
of
a
bulky
figure
and
an
easy
temper
-
for
that
class
of
Caius
Marius
who
sits
upon
the
ruins
of
other
people's
Carthages,
can
keep
up
his
spirits
well
enough.
He
had
looked
in
at
Solomon's
shop
sometimes,
to
ask
a
question
about
articles
in
Solomon's
way
of
business;
and
Walter
knew
him
sufficiently
to
give
him
good
day
when
they
met
in
the
street.
But
as
that
was
the
extent
of
the
broker's
acquaintance
with
Solomon
Gills
also,
Walter
was
not
a
little
surprised
when
he
came
back
in
the
course
of
the
forenoon,
agreeably
to
his
promise,
to
find
Mr
Brogley
sitting
in
the
back
parlour
with
his
hands
in
his
pockets,
and
his
hat
hanging
up
behind
the
door.
布罗格利先生本人的眼睛经常是水汪汪的,脸孔是粉红色的,头发卷曲,块头很大,性格随和——因为凯乌斯·马略这样一类人是能够精神振作地坐在其他民族的迦太基的废墟上的①。他有时曾顺道到所罗门的店里来看看,问一问所罗门所经营的仪器方面的问题;沃尔特跟他熟了,在街上遇见时总要向他寒暄问好,然而这位经纪人与所罗门·吉尔斯也仅仅熟悉到这样的程度罢了,所以当沃尔特那天午前信守诺言,回到家中,看见布罗格利先生坐在后客厅里,双手插在衣袋中,帽子挂在门后的时候,感到相当惊奇。
'Well,
Uncle
Sol!
'
said
Walter.
The
old
man
was
sitting
ruefully
on
the
opposite
side
of
the
table,
with
his
spectacles
over
his
eyes,
for
a
wonder,
instead
of
on
his
forehead.
'How
are
you
now?
'
“唔,所尔舅舅!”沃尔特说道。那老人正沮丧地坐在桌子的另一边,眼镜居然很难得地戴在眼睛前面,而不是架在前额上。“你现在好吗?”
Solomon
shook
his
head,
and
waved
one
hand
towards
the
broker,
as
introducing
him.
所罗门摇摇头,一只手向经纪人挥了挥,作为介绍他。
'Is
there
anything
the
matter?
'
asked
Walter,
with
a
catching
in
his
breath.
“发生什么事情了吗?”沃尔特屏息地问道。
'No,
no.
There's
nothing
the
matter,
said
Mr
Brogley.
'Don't
let
it
put
you
out
of
the
way.
'
Walter
looked
from
the
broker
to
his
Uncle
in
mute
amazement.
'The
fact
is,
'
said
Mr
Brogley,
'there's
a
little
payment
on
a
bond
debt
-
three
hundred
and
seventy
odd,
overdue:
and
I'm
in
possession.
'
“没有,没有,没有发生什么事情,”布罗格利先生说道。“您别为这忧虑。”沃尔特沉默而惊奇地把眼光从经纪人身上转移到他舅舅身上。“事情是,”布罗格利先生说道,“这里有一张没有支付的票据。三百七十多镑,已经过期了。现在票据在我手里。”
'In
possession!
'
cried
Walter,
looking
round
at
the
shop.
“在您手里!”沃尔特往店铺里环视了一下,喊道。
'Ah!
'
said
Mr
Brogley,
in
confidential
assent,
and
nodding
his
head
as
if
he
would
urge
the
advisability
of
their
all
being
comfortable
together.
'It's
an
execution.
That's
what
it
is.
Don't
let
it
put
you
out
of
the
way.
come
myself,
because
of
keeping
it
quiet
and
sociable.
You
know
me.
It's
quite
private.
'
“是的,”布罗格利先生用一种讲机密话的语气说道,同时点点头,仿佛他想劝告大家,每个人都应当觉得自己很好。“这是执行一件该办的事。事情仅仅如此而已。你别为这忧虑。我亲自到这里来,是因为我想悄悄地、和和气气地把这件事情了结了。您知道我,完全是私下的,一点也没有声张。”
'Uncle
Sol!
'
faltered
Walter.
“所尔舅舅!”沃尔特结结巴巴地说道。
'Wally,
my
boy,
'
returned
his
uncle.
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