【名著阅读】悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第4期:梦境与醉境

来源:仪征中学 时间:2024-05-29


At this stage artistic urges are satisfied directly, on the one hand through the imagery of dreams, whose perfection is quite independent of the intellectual rank, the artistic development of the individual;
on the other hand, through an ecstatic reality which once again takes no account of the individual and may even destroy him, or else redeem him through a mystical experience of the collective.
In relation to these immediate creative conditions of nature every artist must appear as " imitator," either as the Apollinian dream artist or the Dionysian ecstatic artist, or, finally ( as in Greek tragedy, for example) as dream and ecstatic artist in one.
We might picture to ourselves how the last of these, in a state of Dionysian intoxication and mystical self- abrogation, wandering apart from the reveling throng, sinks upon the ground, and how there is then revealed to him his own condition-- complete oneness with the essence of the universe-- in a dream similitude.
Having set down these general premises and distinctions, we now turn to the Greeks in order to realize to what degree the formative forces of nature were developed in them.
Such an inquiry will enable us to assess properly the relation of the Greek artist to his prototypes or, to use Aristotle's expression, his " imitation of nature."
Of the dreams the Greeks dreamed it is not possible to speak with any certainty, despite the extant dream literature and the large number of dream anecdotes.
But considering the incredible accuracy of their eyes, their keen and unabashed delight in colors, one can hardly be wrong in assuming that their dreams too showed a strict consequence of lines and contours, hues and groupings, a progression of scenes similar to their best bas reliefs.
The perfection of these dream scenes might