Brightly, Vasudeva's smile was shining, floating radiantly over all the wrinkles of his old face, as the Om was floating in the air over all the voices of the river. Brightly his smile was shining, when he looked at his friend, and brightly the same smile was now starting to shine on Siddhartha's face as well. His wound blossomed, his suffering was shining, his self had flown into the oneness. |
瓦苏代瓦的笑容粲然生辉,照亮了他那衰老脸庞的所有皱纹,宛如“唵”飘荡在河水的所有声音之上。他望着朋友,笑容粲然,于是,席特哈尔塔脸上也澜出了同样的笑容。他的伤口开花了,他的痛苦放出了光彩,他的自我融入了统一之中。 |
In this hour, Siddhartha stopped fighting his fate, stopped suffering. On his face flourished the cheerfulness of a knowledge, which is no longer opposed by any will, which knows perfection, which is in agreement with the flow of events, with the current of life, full of sympathy for the pain of others, full of sympathy for the pleasure of others, devoted to the flow, belonging to the oneness. |
在这个时刻,席特哈尔塔停止了与命运的抗争,停止了烦恼。在他的脸上显现出知识的快乐,意志不再与他作对,它了解完美,赞同事件之河,赞同生活之流,满怀同情,满怀喜悦,热衷于流淌,从属于统一。 |
When Vasudeva rose from the seat by the bank, when he looked into Siddhartha's eyes and saw the cheerfulness of the knowledge shining in them, he softly touched his shoulder with his hand, in this careful and tender manner, and said: "I've been waiting for this hour, my dear. Now that it has come, let me leave. For a long time, I've been waiting for this hour; for a long time, I've been Vasudeva the ferryman. Now it's enough. Farewell, hut, farewell, river, farewell, Siddhartha!" |
瓦苏代瓦从岸边坐的地方站起来,注视着席特哈尔塔的眼睛,看到他眼中闪耀着知识的快乐,便以他那谨慎温柔的方式用手轻轻抚摸他的肩,说道:“我一直在等着这一时刻,亲爱的。现在它终于来临了,让我去吧。我等候这一时刻已经很久了,就像我一直是船夫瓦苏代瓦一样。现在可以结束了。再会吧,茅屋,再会吧,河水,再会吧,席特哈尔塔!” |
Siddhartha made a deep bow before him who bid his farewell. |
席特哈尔塔向这位辞行者深深鞠了一躬。 |
"I've known it," he said quietly. "You'll go into the forests?" |
“我已经知道了。”他小声说,“你要去森林里?” |
"I'm going into the forests, I'm going into the oneness," spoke Vasudeva with a bright smile. |
“我要去森林里,我要融入统一。”瓦苏代瓦容光焕发的说。 |
With a bright smile, he left; Siddhartha watched him leaving. With deep joy, with deep solemnity he watched him leave, saw his steps full of peace, saw his head full of lustre, saw his body full of light. |
他容光焕发地去了。席特哈尔塔目送他远去。他怀着深深的快乐和深深的诚意目送老人远去,望着他步伐平和宁静,望着他头顶华光灿烂,望着他身体光芒四射。 |