Since young Siddhartha was in the hut, the old men had split the work. Vasudeva had again taken on the job of the ferryman all by himself, and Siddhartha, in order to be with his son, did the work in the hut and the field. |
自小席特哈尔塔住进了茅屋,两位老人就分了工。瓦苏代瓦又独自承担起船夫的职责,席特哈尔塔则为了跟儿子在一起,负责屋里和田里的活儿。 |
For a long time, for long months, Siddhartha waited for his son to understand him, to accept his love, to perhaps reciprocate it. For long months, Vasudeva waited, watching, waited and said nothing. One day, when Siddhartha the younger had once again tormented his father very much with spite and an unsteadiness in his wishes and had broken both of his rice-bowls, Vasudeva took in the evening his friend aside and talked to him. |
席特哈尔塔等了很久,等了好几个月,盼着儿子能理解自己,接受自己的爱,对他的爱有所回报。瓦苏代瓦也等了好几个月,在一旁观望、期盼和沉默。一天,小席特哈尔塔又发怪脾气,折磨父亲,并且摔烂了两个饭碗。到了晚上,瓦苏代瓦把朋友叫到一边,跟他商议。 |
"Pardon me." he said, "from a friendly heart, I'm talking to you. I'm seeing that you are tormenting yourself, I'm seeing that you're in grief. Your son, my dear, is worrying you, and he is also worrying me. That young bird is accustomed to a different life, to a different nest. He has not, like you, ran away from riches and the city, being disgusted and fed up with it; against his will, he had to leave all this behind. I asked the river, oh friend, many times I have asked it. But the river laughs, it laughs at me, it laughs at you and me, and is shaking with laughter at out foolishness. Water wants to join water, youth wants to join youth, your son is not in the place where he can prosper. You too should ask the river; you too should listen to it!" |
“请原谅,”他说,“我找你谈是出于好心。我看到你在折磨自己,看到你很苦恼。亲爱的,你儿子使你苦恼,也使我苦恼。这只小鸟过惯了另一种生活,住惯了另一种巢。他不像你出于憎恶和厌倦而逃离了富裕生活和城市,他是违背自己的意愿而不得不丢掉那一切的。我问过河水,朋友,我已经问过多次了。可河水只是笑,它笑我,笑我也笑你,对我们的愚蠢笑得前仰后合。水愿意找水,青年愿意找青年,你儿子现在可不是待在能够让他兴旺发达的地方呀!你也问问河水吧,听听它的意见嘛!” |
Troubled, Siddhartha looked into his friendly face, in the many wrinkles of which there was incessant cheerfulness. |
席特哈尔塔忧心忡忡地望着他的和蔼可亲的脸,脸上那许多皱纹保留着经常的爽朗。 |
"How could I part with him?" he said quietly, ashamed. "Give me some more time, my dear! See, I'm fighting for him, I'm seeking to win his heart, with love and with friendly patience I intent to capture it. One day, the river shall also talk to him, he also is called upon." |
“我能够和他分开吗?”他小声问,颇感惭愧。“再给我点时间吧,亲爱的!瞧,我正在争取他,争取他的心,我要用爱心和友好的耐心来捕获他的心。河水总有一天也会跟他讲话,因为他也是应召而来的。” |