"This it is," said Siddhartha. "And when I had learned it, I looked at my life, and it was also a river, and the boy Siddhartha was only separated from the man Siddhartha and from the old man Siddhartha by a shadow, not by something real. Also, Siddhartha's previous births were no past, and his death and his return to Brahma was no future. Nothing was, nothing will be; everything is, everything has existence and is present." |
“是这样。”席特哈尔塔说,“我当弄明白这点后再细看自己的生活,就发现它也是一条河,少年席特哈尔塔和成年席特哈尔塔以及老年席特哈尔塔都只是被影子隔开,而不是被现实隔开。席特哈尔塔先前的出生并不是过去,而他的死亡与回归婆罗门也并非将来。万物无过去,万物过将来;一切都是现在,一切都只有本质和现在。” |
Siddhartha spoke with ecstasy; deeply, this enlightenment had delighted him. Oh, was not all suffering time, were not all forms of tormenting oneself and being afraid time, was not everything hard, everything hostile in the world gone and overcome as soon as one had overcome time, as soon as time would have been put out of existence by one's thoughts? In ecstatic delight, he had spoken, but Vasudeva smiled at him brightly and nodded in confirmation; silently he nodded, brushed his hand over Siddhartha's shoulder, turned back to his work. |
席特哈尔塔兴奋地侃侃而谈,这种大彻大悟使得他十分高兴。哦,一切忧患不就是时间吗?一切自我折磨和自我恐惧不就是时间吗?一旦超越了时间,一旦抛开了时间,世上的一切艰难困苦和敌对仇视不就一扫而光了吗?他说得兴致勃勃。瓦苏代瓦只是精神焕发地朝着他微笑,点头赞许。他默默无言地点头,用手抚摩席特哈尔塔的肩膀,然后便转身去做自己的事了。 |
And once again, when the river had just increased its flow in the rainy season and made a powerful noise, then said Siddhartha: "Isn't it so, oh friend, the river has many voices, very many voices? Hasn't it the voice of a king, and of a warrior, and of a bull, and of a bird of the night, and of a woman giving birth, and of a sighing man, and a thousand other voices more?" |
又一次,正值雨季河水暴涨,水流湍急,席特哈尔塔说:“哦,朋友,河水有许多声音,非常多的声音,对吗?它是不是有一个君主的声音,一个兵士的声音,一头公牛的声音,一只夜鸟的声音,一个产妇的声音,一个叹气者的声音,以及上千种别的声音?” |
"So it is," Vasudeva nodded, "all voices of the creatures are in its voice." |
“是这样的。”瓦苏代瓦点点头,“在河水的声音中包含了所有生物的声音。” |
"And do you know," Siddhartha continued, "what word it speaks, when you succeed in hearing all of its ten thousand voices at once?" |
“你知道吗,”席特哈尔塔接着说,“当你同时听到了它的全部上万种声音时,它说的是哪个字?” |
Happily, Vasudeva's face was smiling, he bent over to Siddhartha and spoke the holy Om into his ear. And this had been the very thing which Siddhartha had also been hearing. |
瓦苏代瓦脸上绽出了幸福的笑容。他俯身凑近席特哈尔塔在他耳边低声说出了那个“唵”字,而这也正是席特哈尔塔所听到的字。 |