But when Siddhartha fell silent, and a long silence had occurred, then Vasudeva said: "It is as I thought. The river has spoken to you. It is your friend as well, it speaks to you as well. That is good, that is very good. Stay with me, Siddhartha, my friend. I used to have a wife, her bed was next to mine, but she has died a long time ago, for a long time, I have lived alone. Now, you shall live with me, there is space and food for both." |
等到席特哈尔塔说完了,而且出现了很长时间的沉寂之后,瓦苏代瓦才说:“情况正如我所想,河水跟你说了话。它也是你的朋友,跟你说了话。这很好,好极了。你就留在我这儿吧,席特哈尔塔,我的朋友。以前我有过妻子,她的床铺就在我的旁边,可是她早就过世了,我已经单身生活了很久。你跟我一起过吧,住处和饭食都够两个人的。” |
"I thank you," said Siddhartha, "I thank you and accept. And I also thank you for this, Vasudeva, for listening to me so well! These people are rare who know how to listen. And I did not meet a single one who knew it as well as you did. I will also learn in this respect from you." |
“我感谢你,”席特哈尔塔说,“谢谢你,我同意。瓦苏代瓦,我还要感谢你这么专心地听我讲!善于倾听的人极少,我从没遇见过像你这样善于倾听的人。在这方面我也要向你学。” |
"You will learn it," spoke Vasudeva, "but not from me. The river has taught me to listen, from it you will learn it as well. It knows everything, the river, everything can be learned from it. See, you've already learned this from the water too, that it is good to strive downwards, to sink, to seek depth. The rich and elegant Siddhartha is becoming an oarsman's servant, the learned Brahman Siddhartha becomes a ferryman: this has also been told to you by the river. You'll learn that other thing from it as well." |
“你会学到的,”瓦苏代瓦说,“但不是跟我学。是河水教会了我倾听,你也该跟它学。它什么都懂,这条河,可以向它学习一切。瞧,你已经向它学到了一点,那就是努力向下,沉下去,向深处探索,这很好。富有而高贵的席特哈尔塔变成划船的伙计,博学的婆罗门席特哈尔塔变成船夫,这也是河水点拨你的。你还会向它学到别的东西。” |
Quoth Siddhartha after a long pause: "What other thing, Vasudeva?" |
又经过了一个长长的间歇,席特哈尔塔才说:“还有别的吗,瓦苏代瓦?” |
Vasudeva rose. "It is late," he said, "let's go to sleep. I can't tell you that other thing, oh friend. You'll learn it, or perhaps you know it already. See, I'm no learned man, I have no special skill in speaking, I also have no special skill in thinking. All I'm able to do is to listen and to be godly, I have learned nothing else. If I was able to say and teach it, I might be a wise man, but like this I am only a ferryman, and it is my task to ferry people across the river. I have transported many, thousands; and to all of them, my river has been nothing but an obstacle on their travels. They travelled to seek money and business, and for weddings, and on pilgrimages, and the river was obstructing their path, and the ferryman's job was to get them quickly across that obstacle. But for some among thousands, a few, four or five, the river has stopped being an obstacle, they have heard its voice, they have listened to it, and the river has become sacred to them, as it has become sacred to me. Let's rest now, Siddhartha." |
瓦苏代瓦站起来。“夜深了,”他说,“咱们睡吧。我不能告诉你‘别的’是什么,朋友。你会学到的,兴许你已经知道了。瞧,我不是学者,我不擅长讲话,也不擅长思索。我只善于倾听,心地善良,别的特长就没有了。要是我能说会道,说不定会是个贤人呢,可我只是个船夫,我的任务就是送人们过这条河。我摆渡过许多人,成千上万人,他们都认为我这条河只是他们旅途上的一个障碍。他们出门旅行是为了挣钱和做买卖,去参加婚礼,去朝圣,而这条河正好挡在他们路上,船夫就是要帮他们迅速越赤这个障碍。但是,在这成千上万的人中间有几个人,为数很少的几个人,四个或者五个,这条河对于他们不再是障碍,他们听见了河水的声音。他们凝神细雨听,这条河对于他们变得很神圣,就像对于我这样。不过,咱们还是休息吧,席特哈尔塔。” |