His remarks about computers had from the beginning been as ruthless as those of G.H. Hardy on mathematics.
Never once had he suggested an application other than to pure research for its own sake, or to military purposes. He had never spoken of social improvement or economic welfare through science, and so had a position fortified against disillusion.
In 1946, making a brief reference to the American atomic bomb tests, he referred to 'the worst danger' being an 'anti-scientific reaction'.
And however much assaulted by the application of science to 'organotherapy', for instance, he would not have questioned the structure of scientific knowledge itself.
Indeed, he would have considered it extreme intellectual weakness to allow personal feelings to influence a view of scientific truth.
He had often chided intellectuals for an 'emotional' rejection of the idea of intelligent machinery.
It had been important for him to unshackle science from religious wishful thinking, and science for him remained independent of human purposes, judgments and feelings that were entirely irrelevant to the question of what was so.
Edward Carpenter had called for a 'Rational and Humane Science', but in Alan Turing's book there was no reason whatever why the rational and the humane, the data and the instructions, should be correlated.