Govinda looked at the friend of his youth for a long time, with doubt in his eyes. After that, he gave him the salutation which one would use on a gentleman and went on his way. |
戈文达久久的凝视着自己青年时代的好友,眼睛里含着疑虑。随后,他像问候贵人那样向他致意,就动身上路了。 |
With a smiling face, Siddhartha watched him leave, he loved him still, this faithful man, this fearful man. And how could he not have loved everybody and everything in this moment, in the glorious hour after his wonderful sleep, filled with Om! The enchantment, which had happened inside of him in his sleep and by means of the Om, was this very thing that he loved everything, that he was full of joyful love for everything he saw. And it was this very thing, so it seemed to him now, which had been his sickness before, that he was not able to love anybody or anything. |
席特哈尔塔面带微笑地目送他远去。他仍然热爱戈文达,这个老实而忧心忡忡的人。在这个时刻,在酣睡之后这个美好的时刻,他周身已被“唵”渗透,怎么会不爱别的人和别的事呢!通过睡眠和“唵”而在他身上发生的魔力就在于此:他热爱一切,对见到的一切都洋溢着欢乐的爱。现在他觉得,先前他之所以病和那么重,就是由于他什么都不爱,谁都不爱。 |
With a smiling face, Siddhartha watched the leaving monk. The sleep had strengthened him much, but hunger gave him much pain, for by now he had not eaten for two days, and the times were long past when he had been tough against hunger. With sadness, and yet also with a smile, he thought of that time. In those days, so he remembered, he had boasted of three three things to Kamala, had been able to do three noble and undefeatable feats: fasting--waiting--thinking. These had been his possession, his power and strength, his solid staff; in the busy, laborious years of his youth, he had learned these three feats, nothing else. And now, they had abandoned him, none of them was his any more, neither fasting, nor waiting, nor thinking. For the most wretched things, he had given them up, for what fades most quickly, for sensual lust, for the good life, for riches! His life had indeed been strange. And now, so it seemed, now he had really become a childlike person. |
席特哈尔塔面带微笑地目送远去的和尚。酣睡使得他精神焕发,但是饥饿也在折磨他,因为他已经两天没吃东西,而他能够顽强地抗住饥饿的时候早已过去了。他既忧伤又欢欣地回想起那个时候。他记得自己当年曾在卡玛拉面前夸耀过三件事,说他会三样高超的不可战胜的本领,即斋戒——等待——思考。这是他的看家宝,是他的威力所在,是他的结实的棍子,在青年时代勤奋而艰苦的岁月里,他就是学会了这三样本领,岂有他哉!如今他已丢弃了它们,它们已荡然无存,他不再斋戒,不再等待,不再思考,他用它们去换取可鄙之物,换取一时的快乐,换取感官的享受,换取奢侈的生活,换取了财富!实际上他的境况很古怪。现在看来,他真的成了孩子般的俗人。 |
Siddhartha thought about his situation. Thinking was hard on him, he did not really feel like it, but he forced himself. |
席特哈尔塔思考着自己的处境。他觉得思考已相当困难,他根本没兴趣,可是仍强迫自己思考。 |
Now, he thought, since all these most easily perishing things have slipped from me again, now I'm standing here under the sun again just as I have been standing here a little child, nothing is mine, I have no abilities, there is nothing I could bring about, I have learned nothing. How wondrous is this! Now, that I'm no longer young, that my hair is already half gray, that my strength is fading, now I'm starting again at the beginning and as a child! Again, he had to smile. Yes, his fate had been strange! Things were going downhill with him, and now he was again facing the world void and naked and stupid. But he could not feed sad about this, no, he even felt a great urge to laugh, to laugh about himself, to laugh about this strange, foolish world. |
他想,现在我又摆脱了一切如过眼烟云之事,我又站在了阳光下,就像当初我还是个小孩子时那样。我什么都没有,什么都不会,什么都不懂,什么都没学过。真怪呀!现在我已不再年轻,我的头发已经花白,我的体力已经衰退,却又要从头开始,从小孩子时开始!他忍不住笑了。是的,他的命运真怪!他每况愈下,现在又空空地、赤裸裸地、愚蠢地站在这世界上了。不过,他并不忧虑,不,他甚至感到很想大笑,笑自己,笑这个古怪荒唐的世界。 |