【名著阅读】《董贝父子》第六章 Part 7

来源:仪征中学 时间:2024-01-24


'Why couldn't you let me be! ' said Mrs. Brown, 'when I was contented? You little fool! '
“我本来已经心满意足了,您怎么还不能放我安宁一下?” 布朗太太说道,“你这个小傻瓜!”
'I beg your pardon. I don't know what I have done, ' panted Florence. 'I couldn't help it. '
'Couldn't help it! ' cried Mrs. Brown. 'How do you expect I can help it? Why, Lord! ' said the old woman, ruffling her curls with a furious pleasure, 'anybody but me would have had 'em off, first of all. ' Florence was so relieved to find that it was only her hair and not her head which Mrs. Brown coveted, that she offered no resistance or entreaty, and merely raised her mild eyes towards the face of that good soul.
'If I hadn't once had a gal of my own - beyond seas now- that was proud of her hair, ' said Mrs. Brown, 'I'd have had every lock of it. She's far away, she's far away! Oho! Oho! '
Mrs. Brown's was not a melodious cry, but, accompanied with a wild tossing up of her lean arms, it was full of passionate grief, and thrilled to the heart of Florence, whom it frightened more than ever. It had its part, perhaps, in saving her curls; for Mrs. Brown, after hovering about her with the scissors for some moments, like a new kind of butterfly, bade her hide them under the bonnet and let no trace of them escape to tempt her. Having accomplished this victory over herself, Mrs. Brown resumed her seat on the bones, and smoked a very short black pipe, mowing and mumbling all the time, as if she were eating the stem.
布朗太太的号哭并不是音调悦耳的,但却充满了深切的悲痛;她一边哭一边 把她那两只瘦削的胳膊向上猛烈挥动着;弗洛伦斯毛骨悚然,心房怦怦直跳,她现在感到更害怕了。这番号哭也许起了挽救她的卷发的作用,因为布朗太太把剪刀像一种新品种的蝴蝶一般在她前后左右飞舞了一阵子之后,命令她 把卷发都藏到帽子里去,一根也别露出来引诱她。布朗太太对自己取得了这个胜利之后,重新坐到骨头上,取出一根很短的黑烟管抽起烟来,一边一直不断地蠕动着嘴唇,用牙根咀嚼着,仿佛她是在吃那根烟管似的。
When the pipe was smoked out, she gave the child a rabbit- skin to carry, that she 打印本页】【关闭窗口