> Adult ADHD may take a toll on the brain 年轻人确诊多动症?网友:自从确诊,整个人生都得到了解释……
Adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often misunderstood, and people who struggle with it are often viewed as quirky, disorganized, creative or forgetful. 人们常常误解“注意缺陷多动障碍”(多动症),该病病患则被认为是古怪,无逻辑,发散性强以及健忘。
Many people go a lifetime without receiving a diagnosis or treatment. 很多患者终其一生也未确诊或治疗过。
Untreated ADHD is a risk factor for a number of challenges, including unsafe driving, substance abuse and a higher risk of early death, according to a growing body of research. 越来越多的研究表明,未经治疗的多动症是许多问题的风险因素,包括不安全驾驶、药物滥用和更高的早死风险。
Symptoms and behaviors associated with ADHD include: trouble focusing on tasks or becoming so focused on an activity that you lose track of time; difficulty paying attention and being easily distracted; moving from one activity or task to another without completing them; impulsive behaviors that may result in negative consequences; regularly forgetting items or appointments; low motivation to begin tasks, especially ones that don’t interest you. 与多动症相关的症状和行为包括:无法集中精力完成任务或过于专注于一项活动而忘记时间;注意力难以集中或容易分心;某个活动或任务没有完成就转移到新的活动或任务;做出可能导致负面结果的冲动行为;经常忘记项目或约定;开始工作的动力不足,尤其是那些不感兴趣的任务。
Some of these symptoms can look like an unwillingness to engage in a task or activity. 其中一些症状看起来像是不愿意参与一项任务或活动。
This is most likely why some people associate ADHD with laziness. 这很可能就是为什么有些人把多动症和懒惰联系在一起。
For women, ADHD is often underdiagnosed. 对于女性来说,经常很难诊断出注意力缺陷多动障碍。
This may be partly due to the misconception that ADHD only affects school-aged boys. 部分原因可能是人们误以为多动症只影响学龄男孩。
But symptoms of ADHD in women can look different from men, leading to confusion in the diagnostic process. 但女性多动症的症状可能与男性不同,这导致了诊断过程中的混乱。
Research shows that the ADHD brain differs from a non-ADHD brain, and these differences impact how they function daily, causing laziness-like symptoms. 研究表明,多动症患者的大脑与非多动症患者的大脑不同,这些差异会影响他们的日常功能,导致类似懒惰的症状。
For example, the prefrontal cortex is often smaller in those with ADHD, which controls executive functioning, like rational decision-making and attention span. 例如,多动症患者的前额叶皮层通常较小,后者控制着理性决策和注意力持续时间等执行功能。
The limbic system controls emotional regulation, and those with ADHD can struggle with mood swings. 大脑边缘系统控制着情绪调节,那些患有多动症的人可能会与情绪波动作斗争。
People with ADHD have symptoms of inattentiveness, but they often also have a capacity to hyperfocus on a narrow area that is of particular interest to them. 患有多动症的人有注意力不集中的症状,但他们通常也有能力专注于他们特别感兴趣的一个狭窄的领域。
Clearly, ADHD is not a guarantee of genius, but the focused work rate that it produces may enable creative genius ADHD and creative genius to flourish. 显然,无法保证患多动症的病人都是天才,但它所产生的专注的工作速度可能会使多动症和创造性天才蓬勃发展。
> China leads list of global cheetah index 胡润研究院发布全球猎豹企业榜,中国位列全球第一
China and the United States led with 291 and 246 companies, respectively, in a global cheetah index, a list of the world's start-ups founded in the 2000s and most likely to become unicorns within five years, according to the Hurun Research Institute. 胡润研究院发布的《2023胡润全球猎豹企业榜》显示,中国和美国分别以291家和246家位列榜单前两位。该榜单列出了全球成立于2000年之后、五年内最有可能成为独角兽企业的公司。
It was the first time Hurun, a global research, media and investments group, launched the cheetah index on a global level, which found 747 cheetahs around the world, based in 198 cities from 34 countries and regions. 这是胡润研究院首次发布“全球猎豹企业榜”,该榜单在全球34个国家和地区的198个城市找到了747家猎豹企业。
On average, the companies were set up in 2016, not yet listed on a public exchange and most likely to become unicorns with a valuation of $1 billion within five years, according to the institute. 胡润研究院称,总体来看,这些企业成立于2016年,尚未在公共交易所挂牌,最有可能在五年内成为估值十亿美元的独角兽公司。
By city, Shanghai is the world's cheetah capital, with 64 such companies. Beijing is second ahead of San Francisco and Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province. 从城市来看,上海成为全球猎豹企业之都,拥有64家猎豹企业。其次是北京,旧金山和浙江杭州紧随其后。
Biotech and health technology are the core business for cheetahs, followed by enterprise services, FinTech, and e-commerce. More than half of the Chinese cheetahs were in biotech, health technology, enterprise services and smart chips, according to the index. 根据榜单,生物科技和健康科技是猎豹企业的主要行业,其次是企业服务、金融科技和电子商务。超过一半的上榜中国猎豹企业集中在生物科技、健康科技、企业服务和智能芯片领域。
"Cheetahs represent the economy of the future. What they are doing and where they are doing it shows which industries are attracting the top young talent and investment, and which countries and cities have the best startup ecosystems," said Rupert Hoogewerf, chairman and chief researcher of Hurun Report. 胡润百富董事长兼首席调研官胡润表示:“猎豹企业代表着未来的经济。他们在做什么,在哪里做,这表明哪些行业吸引了全球顶尖的年轻人才和最聪明的资本,哪些国家和城市拥有最好的创业生态。”