As the husband did nothing but chuckle and grin, and continually draw his right hand across his mouth, moistening the palm, Mrs Toodle, after nudging him twice or thrice in vain, dropped a curtsey and replied 'that perhaps if she was to be called out of her name, it would be considered in the wages.' 'Oh, of course,' said Mr Dombey. 'I desire to make it a question of wages, altogether. Now, Richards, if you nurse my bereaved child, I wish you to remember this always. You will receive a liberal stipend in return for the discharge of certain duties, in the performance of which, I wish you to see as little of your family as possible. When those duties cease to be required and rendered, and the stipend ceases to be paid, there is an end of all relations between us. Do you understand me?'
由于她的丈夫除了咧开嘴吃吃地笑,并不断地伸出右手捂着嘴,使手掌潮湿一些之外,什么话也没有说,图德尔大嫂用胳膊肘轻轻地推了他两三次也是徒劳无效,因此她就行了个屈膝礼,回答道,如果在这里需要改换个姓来称呼她的话,那么在给她定工资的时候,请把这一点也考虑进去。“当然,”董贝先生说道,“我希望把这完全作为一个工资问题来考虑。现在,理查兹,如果您要给我这个失去母亲的孩子当奶妈的话,那么我希望您 永远记住下面的一些话:您在履行了一定的职责之后,将会领到一笔丰厚的报酬;在您担任职务期间,我希望您尽量少去看望您的家庭。当不再需要您履行这些职责,不再向您支付报酬的时候,我们之间的一切关系就都结束了。您明白我的话了吗?”
Mrs Toodle seemed doubtful about it; and as to Toodle himself, he had evidently no doubt whatever, that he was all abroad. 'You have children of your own,' said Mr Dombey. 'It is not at all in this bargain that you need become attached to my child, or that my child need become attached to you. I don't expect or desire anything of the kind. Quite the reverse. When you go away from here, you will have concluded what is a mere matter of bargain and sale, hiring and letting: and will stay away. The child will cease to remember you; and you will cease, if you please, to remember the child.' Mrs Toodle, with a little more colour in her cheeks than she had had before, said 'she hoped she knew her place.' 'I hope you do, Richards,' said Mr Dombey. 'I have no doubt you know it very well. Indeed it is so plain and obvious that it could hardly be otherwise. Louisa, my dear, arrange with Richards about money, and let her have it when and how she pleases. Mr what's-your name, a word with you, if you please!'
图德尔大嫂似乎对这有些疑问,至于图德尔本人,他显然没有丝毫疑问,因为他根本莫名其妙。 “您有您自己的孩子,”董贝先生说,“在我们的这个交易中,您根本不需要爱上我的孩子。我的孩子也不需要爱上您。我不希望,也不愿意看见这一 类事情。恰恰相反,当您离开这里的时候,您就结束了这纯粹是买与卖、雇佣与辞退的交易关系,然后您就到别的地方去住。孩子就不再记得您。 您如果愿意,也可以不再记得孩子。” 图德尔大嫂的脸颊比先前更红了一些,说,她希望她明白自己的身份。 “我希望您明白,理查兹,”董贝先生说道,“我毫不怀疑,您清清楚楚地明白这一点。确实,这是明明白白,显而易见的事情,不可能是相反的情况 。路易莎,我亲爱的,请你把有关钱的事情跟理查兹安排一下,让她在她认为合适的时候和按她愿意的方式领去。您这位叫什么的先生,如果您愿意,我想跟您谈一两话。” |