It then appeared that she had used the word, not in its legal or business acceptation, when it merely expresses an individual, but as a noun of multitude, or signifying many: for Miss Tox escorted a plump rosy-cheeked wholesome apple-faced young woman, with an infant in her arms; a younger woman not so plump, but apple-faced also, who led a plump and apple-faced child in each hand; another plump and also apple-faced boy who walked by himself; and finally, a plump and apple-faced man, who carried in his arms another plump and apple-faced boy, whom he stood down on the floor, and admonished, in a husky whisper, to 'kitch hold of his brother Johnny.'
'My dear Louisa,' said Miss Tox, 'knowing your great anxiety, and wishing to relieve it, I posted off myself to the Queen Charlotte's Royal Married Females,' which you had forgot, and put the question, Was there anybody there that they thought would suit? No, they said there was not. When they gave me that answer, I do assure you, my dear, I was almost driven to despair on your account. But it did so happen, that one of the Royal Married Females, hearing the inquiry, reminded the matron of another who had gone to her own home, and who, she said, would in all likelihood be most satisfactory. The moment I heard this, and had it corroborated by the matron - excellent references and unimpeachable character I got the address, my dear, and posted off again.'
“我亲爱的路易莎,”托克斯小姐说道,“我知道您万分焦急,并希望让您放心,所以我就急匆匆地动身到夏洛特皇后的皇家已婚妇女收容所去(您已忘记它了),问她们那里有没有合适的人?他们说,她们那里没有;当她们这样回答我的时候,亲爱的,说真的,我都几乎要为您陷于绝望了。可是碰巧皇家已婚妇女收容所里的一个人听到我提出的问题,就向所长提醒说,有一位现在已经回家的女人十之八九是能满足要求的。我听了这些话,从所长那里又得到证实——她有极好的推荐信,又有无可指责的品格——,于是就立刻查得了地址,我亲爱的,我又急匆匆地出发了。” |