In which Timely Provision is made for an Emergency that will sometimes arise in the best-regulated Families. 在管理得极好的家庭中有时是会发生这种突然事件的。
'I shall never cease to congratulate myself,' said Mrs Chick,' on having said, when I little thought what was in store for us, really as if I was inspired by something, that I forgave poor dear Fanny everything. Whatever happens, that must always be a comfort to me!' “我说过,”奇克夫人说道,“对可怜的亲爱的范妮我一切都宽恕了,这一点我将永远感到庆幸;那时候我根本没有预料到将会发生什么事情,那时候我确实仿佛是得到了什么灵感似的。不论怎么样,这句话对我来说永远是一个安慰!”
Mrs Chick made this impressive observation in the drawing room, after having descended thither from the inspection of the mantua makers upstairs, who were busy on the family mourning. She delivered it for the behoof of Mr Chick, who was a stout bald gentleman, with a very large face, and his hands continually in his pockets, and who had a tendency in his nature to whistle and hum tunes, which, sensible of the indecorum of such sounds in a house of grief, he was at some pains to repress at present. 奇克夫人这些令人难忘的话是她在楼上监视女衣裁缝忙着给这个家庭缝制丧服之后,下到客厅里的时候的。她发表这些意见是为了点拨奇克先生而说给他听的。奇克先生是一位肥壮的、秃顶的先生,脸很大,两只手老插在衣袋里,生性爱吹口哨和哼曲子;他知道,在一个沉浸在悲痛气氛的家庭里发出这种声音是不合礼节的,所以现在正竭力克制着自己。
Don't you over exert yourself, Loo,' said Mr Chick, 'or you'll be laid up with spasms, I see. Right tol loor rul! Bless my soul, I forgot! We're here one day and gone the next!' “别操劳过度了,路,”奇克先生说道,“要不然你就会发生痉挛而卧床不起了!托鲁鲁!托鲁鲁!哎呀,我忘了!我们今天还在这个世界上,明天就可能一命呜呼了!” |