From them he learned what he found useful, and the rest he dismissed. He found poker the most useful of all Southern customs, poker and a steady head for whisky; and it was his natural aptitude for cards and amber liquor that brought to Gerald two of his three most prized possessions, his valet and his plantation. The other was his wife, and he could only attribute her to the mysterious kindness of God.
The, valet. Pork by name, shining black, dignified and trained in all the arts of sartorial elegance, was the result of an all-night poker game with a planter from St. Simons Island, whose courage in a bluff equaled Gerald’s but whose head for New Orleans rum did not. Though Pork’s former owner later offered to buy him back at twice his value, Gerald obstinately refused, for the possession of his first slave, and that slave the “best damn valet on the Coast,” was the first step upward toward his heart’s desire, Gerald wanted to be a slave owner and a landed gentleman.
他的管家叫波克,举止庄严,黑得又光又亮,且有全副出色的裁缝手艺,是他打了个通宵的扑克牌从一位圣·西蒙斯岛的地主手中赢来的。那个地主在敢于虚张声势方面与杰拉尔德不相上下,可是喝起新奥尔良朗姆酒来就不行了。尽管波克原先的主人后来要求以双倍的价钱把他买回去,杰拉尔德却断然地拒绝了,因为这是他占有的第一个奴隶,而且绝对是"海滨最好的管家",称得上是他实现平生渴望的好开端,怎么能放弃呀?杰拉尔德一心一意要当奴隶主和拥有地主的上等人呢。 |