He left home with his mother's hasty kiss on his cheek and her fervent Catholic blessing in his ears, and his father's parting admonition, “Remember who ye are and don’t be taking nothing off no man.” His five tall brothers gave him good-by with admiring but slightly patronizing smiles, for Gerald was the baby and the little one of a brawny family.
His five brothers and their father stood six feet and over and broad in proportion, but little Gerald, at twenty-one, knew that five feet four and a half inches was as much as the Lord in His wisdom was going to allow him. It was like Gerald that he never wasted regrets on his lack of height and never found it an obstacle to his acquisition of anything he wanted. Rather, it was Gerald’s compact smallness that made him what he was, for he had learned early that little people must be hardy to survive among large ones. And Gerald was hardy.
His tall brothers were a grim, quiet lot, in whom the family tradition of past glories, lost forever, rankled in unspoken hate and crackled out in bitter humor. Had Gerald been brawny, he would have gone the way of the other O’Haras and moved quietly and darkly among the rebels against the government But Gerald was “loud-mouthed and bullheaded,” as his mother fondly phrased it, hair trigger of temper, quick with his fists and possessed of a chip on his shoulder so large as to be almost visible to the naked eye. He swaggered among the tall O’Haras like a strutting bantam in a barnyard of giant Cochin roosters, and they loved him, baited him affectionately to hear him roar and hammered on him with their large fists no more than was necessary to keep a baby brother in his proper place.
他那些高个儿哥哥是些冷酷寡言的人,在他们身上,历史光荣的传统已经永远消失,沦落为默默的仇恨,爆裂出痛苦的幽默来了。要是杰拉尔德也生来强壮,他就会走上向奥哈拉家族中其他人的道路,在反政府的行列中悄悄地、神秘地干起来。可杰拉尔德像他母亲钟爱地形容的那样,是个"高嗓门,笨脑袋",嬷嬷暴躁,动辄使拳头,并且盛气凌人,叫人见人怕。他在那些高大的奥哈拉家族的人中间,就像一只神气十足的矮脚鸡在满院子大个儿雄鸡中间那样,故意昂首阔步,而他们都爱护他,亲切地怂恿地高声喊叫,必要时也只伸出他们的大拳头敲他几下,让这位小弟弟不要太得意忘形了。 |