PRINCE CASPIAN lived in a great castle in the centre of Narnia with his uncle, Miraz, the King of Narnia, and his aunt, who had red hair and was called Queen Prunaprismia. His father and mother were dead and the person whom Caspian loved best was his nurse, and though (being a prince) he had wonderful toys which would do almost anything but talk, he liked best the last hour of the day when the toys had all been put back in their cupboards and Nurse would tell him stories. |
凯斯宾王子从小住在纳尼亚中部地区一座巨大的城堡里,跟着他的叔父和婶婶二纳尼亚的国王弥若兹,和那个满头红发的普鲁娜普瑞丝弥尔王后。凯斯宾王子的双亲早去世了,保姆成了他最亲近的人。作为王子,他虽然有许多除了不会讲话之外几乎什么都会做的非常精致奇妙的玩具,但是最使他神往的却还是每天睡觉前的那段时间,每到这时,慈祥的保姆便来给他讲故事。 |
He did not care much for his uncle and aunt, but about twice a week his uncle would send for him and they would walk up and down together for half an hour on the terrace at the south side of the castle. One day, while they were doing this, the King said to him, |
叔父对凯斯宾的成长似乎并不十分在意,不过每周两次唤他去阳台上散半个钟头的步。一天,当叔侄俩散步闲谈时,叔父突然对他说 |
"Well, boy, we must soon teach you to ride and use a sword. You know that your aunt and I have no children, so it looks as if you might have to be King when I'm gone. How shall you like that, eh?" |
"孩子,我打算派人教你骑马和击剑。你知道,我和你的婶婶没有孩子。看来,我过世以后,多半要由你继承王位。你一定非常开心吧!嗯?" |
"I don't know, Uncle," said Caspian. |
"不知道,叔父。"凯斯宾回答说。 |
"Don't know, eh?" said Miraz. "Why, I should like to know what more anyone could wish for!" |
"不知道'!"弥若兹感到很意外,"那么,我倒要问问看,一个人除此之外,还想要些什么?" |
"All the same, I do wish," said Caspian. |
"叔父,我的确有一个希望。"凯斯宾认真地说。 |
"What do you wish?" asked the King. |
"什么希望?" |
"I wish - I wish - I wish I could have lived in the Old Days," said Caspian. (He was only a very little boy at the time.) |
"我希望……我希望……我希望生活在过去的日子里。"(别忘了,小王子这时还只是个年幼的孩子。 |
Up till now King Miraz had been talking in the tiresome way that some grown-ups have, which makes it quite clear that they are not really interested in what you are saying, but now he suddenly gave Caspian a very sharp look. |
到现在为止,国王一直是用一种成年人的令人讨厌的腔调跟他谈话,这表明他对谈话并无兴趣,然而这时他突然向凯斯宾投来非常锐利的一瞥。 |
"Eh? What's that?" he said. "What old days do you mean?" |
"嗯?怎么回事?"他说,"什么过去的日子?" |
"Oh, don't you know, Uncle?" said Caspian. "When everything was quite different. When all the animals could talk, and there were nice people who lived in the streams and the trees. Naiads and Dryads they were called. And there were Dwarfs. And there were lovely little Fauns in all the woods. They had feet like goats. And -" |
"咦,你不知道,叔父?"凯斯宾睁大了眼睛,"那时候,所有一切与现在全不一样——动物都会讲话,有善良的水族仙女和林中仙女:小矮人和那些非常可爱的小羊怪,还有…… |
"That's all nonsense, for babies," said the King sternly. "Only fit for babies, do you hear? You're getting too old for that sort of stuff. At your age you ought to be thinking of battles and adventures, not fairy tales." |
"那全是胡说八道,是哄小孩的!”国王严厉地呵斥道,"只能讲给小娃娃听,你听见没有?你已经长大了,不该再信这些胡言乱语。在你这样的年龄,你应该对战斗和探险感兴趣,而不是这类无稽之谈。" |
"Oh, but there were battles and adventures in those days," said Caspian. "Wonderful adventures. Once there was a White Witch and she made herself Queen of the whole country. And she made it so that it was always winter. And then two boys and two girls came from somewhere and so they killed the Witch and they were made Kings and Queens of Narnia, and their names were Peter and Susan and Edmund and Lucy. And so they reigned for ever so long and everyone had a lovely time, and it was all because of Aslan -" |
"哦,可是那古老的年代里,也有战斗和探险呀!”凯斯宾不服气地说,"那是多么奇妙的经历!那时候,曾经有一个白女巫,她自封为纳尼亚国的女王,用魔法使整个纳尼亚只有寒冷的冬天,没有明媚的春天。后来,从什么地方来了两个男孩和两个女孩,他们杀了那女巫,成为纳尼亚的国王和女王,他们叫彼得、苏珊、爱德蒙和露茜。他们统治多年,人民过着非常幸福的生活,而这一切又全都离不开阿斯兰…… |
"Who's he?" said Miraz. And if Caspian had been a very little older, the tone of his uncle's voice would have warned him that it would be wiser to shut up. But he babbled on, |
"它是谁?"弥若兹厉声问道。假如凯斯宾的年龄再稍微大一点儿,他无疑会从叔父的语调中有所警觉,马上识相地闭上嘴巴。可是,他继续讲了下去。 |
"Oh, don't you know?" he said. "Aslan is the great Lion who comes from over the sea." |
"怎么,难道你不知道?阿斯兰是只狮子,伟大的神灵,正义的化身。" |
"Who has been telling you all this nonsense?" said the King in a voice of thunder. Caspian was frightened and said nothing. |
"你从谁那里听来这些鬼话的?" |
"Your Royal Highness," said King Miraz, letting go of Caspian's hand, which he had been holding till now, "I insist upon being answered. Look me in the face. Who has been telling you this pack of lies?" |
国王怒气冲冲地说,并抓起凯斯宾的手。凯斯宾有些害怕了,闭着嘴没有回答。 |
"N - Nurse," faltered Caspian, and burst into tears. |
"尊贵的王子隆下,"国王弥若兹放开了凯斯宾的手,"你必须回答我!看着我的脸。是谁在向你讲这些谎话?" |
"Stop that noise," said his uncle, taking Caspian by the shoulders and giving ham a shake. "Stop it. And never let me catch you talking - or thinking either - about all those silly stories again. There never were those Kings and Queens. How could there be two Kings at the same time? And there's no such person as Aslan. And there are no such things as lions. And there never was a time when animals could talk. Do you hear?" |
"保……保姆。"凯斯宾十分踌躇地说,眼泪一下涌了出来。 |
"Yes, Uncle," sobbed Caspian. |
"听着!"叔父紧紧抓住他的肩头,使劲摇了一下,"不许哭!再也不要让我听到你谈论那些愚蠢的故事,连想都不许想l那些什么国王和女王,根本就不存在!怎么可能同时有两个国王、两个女王?而且根本就没有狮子阿斯兰之类的东西,更不会有什么说话的动物。你听见没有?" |
"Then let's have no more of it," said the King. Then he called to one of the gentlemen-in-waiting who were standing at the far end of the terrace and said in a cold voice, "Conduct His Royal Highness to his apartments and send His Royal Highness's nurse to me AT ONCE." |
"是的,叔父。"凯斯宾抽泣着说。 |
Next day Caspian found what a terrible thing he had done, for Nurse had been sent away without even being allowed to say good-bye to him, and he was told he was to have a Tutor. |
"好了,我们别谈这些了。"国王打个手势,恭候在阳台另一端的侍从快步走过来。国王威严地吩咐道:”把王子殿下送回他的房间去,再把他的保姆给我带来。" |
Caspian missed his nurse very much and shed many tears; and because he was so miserable, he thought about the old stories of Narnia far more than before. He dreamed of Dwarfs and Dryads every night and tried very hard to make the dogs and cats in the castle talk to him. But the dogs only wagged their tails and the cats only purred. |
第二天,凯斯宾才发现自己做了一件多么可怕的事情,保姆被送走了,连向王子说一声"再见"都不准。他还听说,他马上会有一位家庭教师。 |
Caspian felt sure that he would hate the new Tutor, buy when the new Tutor arrived about a week later he turns out to be the sort of person it is almost impossible not to like. He was the smallest, and also the fattest, man Caspian had ever seen. He had a long, silvery, pointed beard which came down to his waist, and his face, which was brown and covered with wrinkles, looked very wise, very ugly, and very kind. His voice was grave and his eyes were merry so that, until you got to know him really well, it was hard to know when he was joking and when he was serious. His name was Doctor Cornelius. |
凯斯宾非常怀念慈祥的保姆,为此他还哭过好多次。不知为什么,古老纳尼亚的故事反而更为频繁地出现在他的脑海中。他每天夜里都梦到小矮人和林中仙女,还有那些会说话的动物,白天便想方设法要让城堡里的猫狗们开口和他说话。可是,那些狗只会摇尾巴,猫也只会冲着他咪咪叫。 |
Of all his lessons with Doctor Cornelius the one that Caspian liked best was History. Up till now, except for Nurse's stories, he had known nothing about the History of Narnia, and he was very surprised to learn that the royal family were newcomers in the country. |
凯斯宾深信未来的家庭教师一定非常讨厌。出乎意料的是,一个礼拜后,当那家庭教师出现在他面前时,凯斯宾发现他竟然非常讨人喜欢。他是凯斯宾见过的最矮也最肥胖的人,长长的胡子一直垂到肚子上。他那张棕色的脸上布满了皱纹,虽然长得很丑,但和善的眼睛里充满了智慧。他的声音十分庄重,他的眼睛却时常闪烁着诙谐的笑意,所以在对他十分熟悉之前,你很难判断出他什么时候是在开玩笑,什么时候却是顶认真的。他叫克奈尔斯博士. |
"It was your Highness's ancestor, Caspian the First," said Doctor Cornelius, "who first conquered Narnia and made it his kingdom. It was he who brought all your nation into the country. You are not native Narnians at all. You are all Telmarines - that is, you all came from the Land of Telmar, far beyond the Western Mountains. That is why Caspian the First is called Caspian the Conqueror." |
在克奈尔斯博士讲授的所有课程中,凯斯宾最喜欢的莫过于历史课了。迄今为止,除了保姆的那些故事以外,他对纳尼亚的历史一无所知。当教授讲到皇族是如何迁移到纳尼亚并成为统治者的时候,他感到惊讶万分。 |
"Please, Doctor," asked Caspian one day, "who lived in Narnia before we all came here out of Telmar?" |
"那是殿下的祖先,凯斯宾一世,"克奈尔斯博士缓缓地说,"他第一个征服了纳尼亚,并成为那里的国王。把你们整个民族带到纳尼亚来的就是他。你们并不是真正的纳尼亚人,你们都是台尔马人,来自西部大山那边十分遥远的台尔马国。正是为了这个缘故,凯斯宾一世被称为征服者凯斯宾。" |
"No men - or very few - lived in Narnia before the Telmarines took it," said Doctor Cornelius. |
"请问,博士,"有一天凯斯宾问,"我们从台尔马国来到这儿以前,什么人住在纳尼亚?" |
"Then who did my great-great-grandcesters conquer?" |
“没有有人类,或者说极少有人在台尔马人之前来过纳尼亚。"克奈尔斯博士说。 |
"Whom, not who, your Highness," said Doctor Cornelius. "Perhaps it is time to turn from History to Grammar." |
"那么我的祖先征服的是谁呢?” |
"Oh please, not yet!" said Caspian. |
"王子殿下,"克奈尔斯博士有意换了个话题,"好像我们该结束历史课,开始学习语法了。" |
"I mean, wasn't there a battle? Why is he called Caspian the Conqueror if there was nobody to fight with him?" |
"噢,求求你,再等一会儿!"凯斯宾恳求道,"请告诉我,难道没有经历战争吗?要是这里没人和他打仗,为什么称他为征服者凯斯宾?" |
"I said there were very few men in Narnia," said the Doctor, looking at the little boy very strangely through his great spectacles. |
"我刚才说了,那时在纳尼亚很少有人类。"博士说着,透过眼镜用一种奇怪的眼神望着这个小男孩。 |
For a moment Caspian was puzzled and then suddenly his heart gave a leap. "Do you mean," he gasped, "that there were other things? Do you mean it was like in the stories? Were there-?" |
开始凯斯宾感到有些迷惑不解,但他的心马上剧烈地跳了起来。"这么说,"他急切地问,"还有其他的生灵?就像故事里讲的那样?有……” |
"Hush!" said Doctor Cornelius, laying his head very close to Caspian's. "Not a word more. Don't you know your Nurse was sent away for telling you about Old Narnia? The King doesn't like it. If he found me telling you secrets, you'd be whipped and I should have my head cut off." |
"嘘!"克奈尔斯博士把头凑向凯斯宾,"不要再说了,你难道不知道,你的保姆就是因为给你讲了古代纳尼亚的故事而被打发走了?国王不喜欢这个。假如他发现我对你讲这些秘密,你会受到鞭苔,而我就会被杀头。" |
"But why?" asked Caspian. |
"那为什么?"凯斯宾问。 |
"1t is high time we turned to Grammar now," said Doctor Cornelius in a loud voice. "Will your Royal Highness be pleased to open Pulverulentus Siccus at the fourth page of his Grammatical garden or the Arbour of Accidence pleasantlie open'd to Tender Wits?" |
"咱们真的该开始学习语法了,"克奈尔斯博士高声说,"请王子殿下翻开《语法解析》第四页,语法园地或趣味语法点滴及语言的结构和妙用。" |
After that it was all nouns and verbs till lunchtime, but I don't think Caspian learned much. He was too excited. He felt sure that Doctor Cornelius would not have said so much unless he meant to tell him more sooner or later. |
打这以后,直到吃午饭,老师讲的全是名词呀、动词呀等等。可我们的小凯斯宾并没有听进去多少。他太激动了。他深信克奈尔斯博士要对他讲的并不止这些,他迟早会告诉自己更多的事情. |
In this he was not disappointed. A few days later his Tutor said, "Tonight I am going to give you a lesson in Astronomy. At dead of night two noble planets, Tarva and Alambil, will pass within one degree of each other. Such a conjunction has not occurred for two hundred years, and your Highness will not live to see it again. It will be best if you go to bed a little earlier than usual. When the time of the conjunction draws near I will come and wake you." |
王子没有失望。几天以后,他的家庭教师对他说"今天晚上我要给你上天文课,在深夜时分,两颗神圣的行星塔瓦和阿拉姆毕尔将在相距一度左右的位置上相遇而过。这种现象已经两百年没有发生过了,王子殿下今生也不会再见到了,最好你今晚早些上床,两星相遇之前我会来叫醒你的。" |
This didn't seem to have anything to do with Old Narnia, which was what Caspian really wanted to hear about, but getting up in the middle of the night is always interesting and he was moderately pleased. When he went to bed that night, he thought at first that he would not be able to sleep; but he soon dropped off and it seemed only a few minutes before he felt someone gently shaking him. |
这和古代纳尼亚似乎并没有什么关系,凯斯宾真正想要知道的并不是这个。可不管怎么说,半夜起床总是件新鲜事,他感到十分高兴。他原以为会兴奋得睡不着觉,可实际上很快就进入了梦乡。不过,好像才睡了不过几分钟,便感到有人轻轻地在推他。 |
He sat up in bed and saw that the room was full of moonlight. Doctor Cornelius, muffled in a hooded robe and holding a small lamp in his hand, stood by the bedside. |
他从床上坐起来,看到屋子里洒满了银色的月光,克奈尔斯博士身上裹着一件带头罩的大斗篷,手里提着一盏灯,站在床边。凯斯宾马上清醒过来,他一骨碌爬起身,开始穿衣服。尽管这是夏天,他仍感到出乎意料的凉意。博士给他披上一件同样的斗篷,又帮他穿上一双温暖轻便的高筒靴。有了斗篷和靴子,在黑暗的过道里就不容易被人看见,而且走起来一点儿声音都没有。就这样,他们俩离开了房间。 |
Caspian remembered at once what they were going to do. He got up and put on some clothes. Athough it was a summer night he felt colder than he had expected and was quite glad when the Doctor wrapped him in a robe like his own and gave him a pair of warm, soft buskins for his feet. A moment later, both muffled so that they could hardly be seen in the dark corridors, and both shod so that they made almost no noise, master and pupil left the room. |
也不知穿过了多少走廊,爬了多少楼梯,最后经过塔楼的一扇小门,他们终于来到外面的平台上。从这里朝下看,是幽暗的城堡花园,抬头望去,是一轮明月和满天的星斗。他们快步走向另一扇门,这门通向城堡中心巨大的高塔。克奈尔斯博士打开锁,领着凯斯宾沿塔内的旋转楼梯向上爬去。凯斯宾开始兴奋起来,以前是从来不许他爬这楼梯的。 |
Caspian followed the Doctor through many passages and up several staircases, and at last, through a little door in a turret, they came out upon the leads. On one side were the battlements, on the other a steep roof; below them, all shadowy and shimmery, the castle gardens; above them, stars and moon. Presently they came to another door, which led into the great central tower of the whole castle: Doctor Cornelius unlocked it and they began to climb the dark winding stair of the tower. Caspian was becoming excited; he had never been allowed up this stair before. |
楼梯很长,也很陡。爬到塔顶时,凯斯宾已是气喘吁吁。 |
It was long and steep, but when they came out on the roof of the tower and Caspian had got his breath, he felt that it had been well worth it. Away on his right he could see, rather indistinctly, the Western Mountains. On his left was the gleam of the Great River, and everything was so quiet that he could hear the sound of the waterfall at Beaversdam, a mile away. There was no difficulty in picking out the two stars they had come to see. They hung rather low in the southern sky, almost as bright as two little moons and very close together. |
但他马上发现再累些也值得。向右边极目望去,山峦重重,依稀可见:左边则有一条大河,蜿蜒而去。此时万籁俱寂,凯斯宾甚至听得见一英里外海狸大坝的水声。分辨那两颗他们想看的星星似乎并非难事它们低垂在南方,明亮得就像小小的月亮,而且相距非常近。 |
"Are they going to have a collision?" he asked in an awestruck voice. |
"它们会撞在一起吗?"凯斯宾对那无垠的宇宙感到神奇莫测,于是不安地问。 |
"Nay, dear Prince," said the Doctor (and he too spoke in a whisper). "The great lords of the upper sky know the steps of their dance too well for that. Look well upon them. Their meeting is fortunate and means some great good for the sad realm of Narnia. Tarva, the Lord of Victory, salutes Alambil, the Lady of Peace. They are just coming to their nearest." |
"不会的,亲爱的王子,"博士轻声地说,"苍天那些伟大的星宿太熟悉它们的舞步了,怎么会相撞呢。你好好地看着吧,它们的聚会是吉祥的,会给苦难的纳尼亚带来巨大的幸福。看啊,胜利之神塔瓦在向和平女神阿拉姆毕尔致敬了,看——它们就要到相距最近的位置了!” |
"It's a pity that tree gets in the way," said Caspian. "We'd really see better from the West Tower, though it is not so high." |
足有两分钟克奈尔斯博士一言不发,像一尊雕像矗立在那里,凝视着塔瓦和阿拉姆毕尔。然后,他深深吐了一口气,转向凯斯宾。 |
Doctor Cornelius said nothing for about two minutes, but stood still with his eyes fixed on Tarva and Alambil. Then he drew a deep breath and turned to Caspian. |
"极少有人看到这一奇景,王子殿下是幸运的。现在,我想说的是,我带你到这里来,还有另外一个原因。" |
"There," he said. "You have seen what no man now alive has seen, nor will see again. And you are right. We should have seen it even better from the smaller tower. I brought you here for another reason." |
凯斯宾扬起头来望着他,可是博士的斗篷帽子把他的脸遮住了一大半。 |
Caspian looked up at him, but the Doctor's hood concealed most of his face. |
"我之所以选择这个地方,"克奈尔斯博士说,"是因为我们下面有六间空房子,还有一个长长的楼梯,而且楼梯底下的小门已经上了锁,没有人能偷听我们讲话。" |
"The virtue of this tower," said Doctor Cornelius, "is that we have six empty rooms beneath us, and a long stair, and the door at the bottom of the stair is locked. We cannot be overheard." |
"你是不是要告诉我那天你不肯讲的事情?"凯斯宾一下子激动起来。 |
"Are you going to tell me what you wouldn't tell me the other day?" said Caspian. |
"是的,"博士说,"可是记住,我们绝不可以随便谈论这类事情——除非在这里。" |
"I am," said the Doctor. "But remember. You and I must never talk about these things except here - on the very top of the Great Tower." |
"好的,就这么说定了。"凯斯宾使劲儿点点头,"你快接着往下说呀!” |
"No. That's a promise," said Caspian. "But do go on, please." |
"听着,"博士说,"你所听到有关纳尼亚的每一个传说都是真实的,纳尼亚原本不是人类的领土,它属于伟大的阿斯兰。在这个国家里,有神志清醒的大树,有机灵活泼的水中仙女,有羊怪,有森林之神、小矮人和巨人,有海狸和人头马,还有许多其他会讲话的动物。与凯斯宾一世战斗的就是它们。正是你们台尔马人,使得所有这些生灵、树木和流水都变得沉默不语,是你们屠杀并赶走了小矮人和羊怪,现在甚至想把这一切永远地从人们的记忆中抹掉。想想看,国王为什么不允许人们提起这些往事?" |
"Listen," said the Doctor. "All you have heard about Old Narnia is true. It is not the land of Men. It is the country of Aslan, the country of the Waking Trees and Visible Naiads, of Fauns and Satyrs, of Dwarfs and Giants, of the gods and the Centaurs, of Talking Beasts. It was against these that the first Caspian fought. It is you Telmarines who silenced the beasts and the trees and the fountains, and who killed and drove away the Dwarfs and Fauns, and are now trying to cover up even the memory of them. The King does not allow them to be spoken of." |
"噢,我多么希望我的祖先没有做过那些伤天害理的事情啊!”凯斯宾说,"但使我高兴的是所有那些传说都是真的,尽管它们都已经成为过去。" |
"Oh, I do wish we hadn't," said Caspian. "And I am glad it was all true, even if it is all over." |
"你的同胞们同样在暗地里反对你们祖先所做过的那些事情。"克奈尔斯博士说。 |
"Many of your race wish that in secret," said Doctor Cornelius. |
"可是,博士,"凯斯宾问,"你为什么说’我的同胞'?你自己不也是台尔马人吗?"" |
"But, Doctor," said Caspian, "why do you say my race? After all, I suppose you're a Telmarine too." |
"我像吗?" |
"Am I?" said the Doctor. |
"不管怎样,咱们是同类呀!” |
"Well, you're a Man anyway," said Caspian. |
"是吗?"博士用更加深沉的声音重复着,同时把他斗篷上的帽子掀到脑后。于是,凯斯宾借着月光清楚地看到了他的脸。 |
"Am I?" repeated the Doctor in a deeper voice, at the same moment throwing back his hood so that Caspian could see his face clearly in the moonlight. |
凯斯宾恍然大悟——怎么没能早些发现这个事实呢|克奈尔斯博士身材那么矮小,又那么胖,还有那么又长又密的胡子。他的脑子里一下闪出两个念头。"眼前的这个克奈尔斯博士是个小矮人,他把我带到这里来,是想要杀掉我。"想到这里,他禁不住有点害怕。另一个念头倒很令人高兴"果然有小矮人活了下来,我终于亲眼见到了一个。" |
All at once Caspian realized the truth and felt that he ought to have realized it long before. Doctor Cornelius was so small, and so fat, and had such a very long beard. Two thoughts came into his head at the same moment. One was a thought of terror - "He's not a real man, not a man at all, he's a Dwarf, and he's brought me up here to kill |