“Well, let’s cut across country to Abel’s,” suggested Brent. “We can go through Mr. O’Hara’s river bottom and the Fontaine’s pasture and get there in no time.”
“We ain’ gwine git nothin’ ter eat ‘cept possum an’ greens,” argued Jeems.
“到那里俺什么好的也吃不着,只有吃负鼠和青菜了,"吉姆斯不服气地说。 “You ain’t going to get anything,” grinned Stuart “Because you are going home and tell Ma that we won’t be home for supper.”
“No, Ah ain’!” cried Jeems in alarm. “No, Ah ain’! Ah doan git no mo’ fun outer havin’ Miss Beetriss lay me out dan y’all does. Fust place she’ll ast me huccome Ah let y’all git expelled agin. An’ nex’ thing, huccome Ah din’ bring y’all home ternight so she could lay you out An’ den she’ll light on me lak a duck on a June bug, an’ fust thing Ah know Ah’ll be ter blame fer it all. Ef y’all doan tek me ter Mist’ Wynder’s, Ah’ll lay out in de woods all night an’ maybe de patterollers git me, ‘cause Ah heap ruther de patterollers git me dan Miss Beetriss when she in a state.”
“不,俺不回去!"吉姆斯惊慌地嚷道。"不,俺不回去!回去给比阿特里斯小姐打个半死可不是好玩的。首先她会问俺你们怎么又给开除了?然后又问,俺怎么今晚没带你们回家,好让她好好揍你们一顿?末了,她还会突然向我扑过来,像鸭子扑一只无花果一般。俺很清楚,她会把这件事通通怪在俺头上。要是你们带俺到到温德先生家去,俺就整夜蹲在外边林子里,没准儿巡逻队会逮住俺的,因为俺宁愿给巡逻队带走,也不要在太太生气时落到她的手中。" The twins looked at the determined black boy in perplexity and indignation.
哥儿俩瞧着这个倔犟的黑孩子,感到又困惑又烦恼。 “He’d be just fool enough to let the patterollers get him and that would give Ma something else to talk about for weeks. I swear, darkies are more trouble. Sometimes I think the Abolitionists have got the right idea.”
“这傻小子可是做得出来,会叫巡逻队给带走。果真这样,便又妈妈添了个话柄,好唠叨几个星期了。我说这些黑小子们是最麻烦的。有时我甚至想,那帮废奴主义者的主意倒不错呢。” |