“That’s an idea!” cried Brent with enthusiasm. “And we can hear all the news of the Troop and find out what color they finally decided on for the uniforms.”
“If it’s Zouave, I’m damned if I’ll go in the troop. I’d feel like a sissy in those baggy red pants. They look like ladies’ red flannel drawers to me.”
“要是采用法国步兵服呢,那我再去参军就活该了。穿上那种口袋似的红裤子,我会觉得自己像个娘儿们了。我看那跟女人穿的红法兰绒衬裤一模一样。” “Is y’all aimin’ ter go ter Mist’ Wynder’s? ‘Cause ef you is, you ain’ gwine git much supper,” said Jeems. “Dey cook done died, an’ dey ain’ bought a new one. Dey got a fe’el han’ cookin’, an’ de niggers tells me she is de wustest cook in de state.”
“您少爷们想到温德先生家去吗?”吉姆斯问。"要是您想去,您就吃不上好晚饭了。他们的厨子死啦,还没找到新的呢。他们随便找了个女人在做吃的,那些黑小子告诉我她做得再糟不过了。” “Good God! Why don’t they buy another cook?”
“他们干吗不买个新厨子呀!我的上帝!” “Huccome po’ w’ite trash buy any niggers? Dey ain’ never owned mo’n fo’ at de mostes’.”
“这帮下流坯穷白人,还买得起黑人?他们家历来最多也只有四个。" There was frank contempt in Jeems’ voice. His own social status was assured because the Tarletons owned a hundred negroes and, like all slaves of large planters, he looked down on small farmers whose slaves were few.
吉姆斯的口气中充满色然的蔑视。他自己的社会地位是坚牢的,因为塔尔顿家拥有上百个黑奴,而且像所有大农场的奴隶那样,他瞧不起那些只有少数几个奴隶的小农场主。 “I’m going to beat your hide off for that,” cried Stuart fiercely. “Don’t you call Abel Wynder ‘po’ white.’ Sure he’s poor, but he ain’t trash; and I’m damned if I’ll have any man, darky or White, throwing off on him. There ain’t a better man in this County, or why else did the Troop elect him lieutenant?”
“你说这话,看我剥你的皮!"斯图尔特厉声喊道:“你怎么能叫艾布尔·温德'穷白人'呢。他虽然穷,可并不是什么下流坯。任何人,无论黑人白人,谁要是瞧不其他,我可决不答应。全县没有比他更好的人了,要不军营里怎么会推举他当尉官呢? “Ah ain’ never figgered dat out, mahseff,” replied Jeems, undisturbed by his master’s scowl. “Look ter me lak dey’d ‘lect all de awficers frum rich gempmum, ‘stead of swamp trash.”
“俺可弄不懂这个道理,”吉姆不顾主人的斥责硬是顶嘴回答说。"俺看他们的军官全是从有钱人里边挑的,谁也不会挑肮脏的下流货。” “He ain’t trash! Do you mean to compare him with real white trash like the Slatterys? Abel just ain’t rich. He’s a small farmer, not a big planter, and if the boys thought enough of him to elect him lieutenant, then it’s not for any darky to talk impudent about him. The Troop knows what it’s doing.”
“他不是下流货呀!你是要拿他跟真正的白人下流坯像斯莱特里那种人相比吗?艾布尔只不过没有钱罢了。他不是大农场主,但毕竟是个小农场主。既然那些新入伍的小伙子认为可以选举他当尉官,那么哪个黑小子也不能肆意讲他的坏话。营里自有公论嘛。" |