“It will serve you right if that sly piece does accept one of you,” she said. “Or maybe she’ll accept both of you, and then you’ll have to move to Utah, if the Mormons’ll have you—which I doubt. ... All that bothers me is that some one of these days you’re both going to get lickered up and jealous of each other about that two-faced, little, green-eyed baggage, and you’ll shoot each other. But that might not be a bad idea either.”
Since the day of the speaking, Stuart had been uncomfortable in India’s presence. Not that India ever reproached him or even indicated by look or gesture that she was aware of his abruptly changed allegiance. She was too much of a lady. But Stuart felt guilty and ill at ease with her. He knew he had made India love him and he knew that she still loved him and, deep in his heart, he had the feeling that he had not played the gentleman. He still liked her tremendously and respected her for her cool good breeding, her book learning and all the sterling qualities she possessed. But, damn it, she was just so pallid and uninteresting and always the same, beside Scarlett’s bright and changeable charm. You always knew where you stood with India and you never had the slightest notion with Scarlett. That was enough to drive a man to distraction, but it had its charm.
然而,要真是弄到那步田地倒也不是坏事。"从演讲会那天开始,斯图尔特每次见到英迪亚便觉得不是滋味。这不是因为英迪亚责怪了他,或者在脸色姿态之间暗示过她已经发觉他突然改变了原来的忠诚,她这个地道的正派姑娘决不会这样做。可是跟她在一起时斯图特总感到内心有愧,很不自在。他明白是自己设法让英迪亚爱上了他,也知道她现在仍然爱他,所以内心深处隐隐觉得自己的行为不是实行一夫多妻制,但这里是讲的一妻多夫。大像个有教养的人。他仍然十分爱她,对她的那种文静贤淑的仪态,她的学识和她所肯的种种高尚品质,他都十分尊敬。但是,糟糕的是,一跟思嘉的光彩照人和娇媚比起来。她就显得那么暗淡无味和平庸呆板了。你跟英迪亚在一起时永远头脑清醒,而跟思嘉在一起就迥然不同了。光凭这一点就足以叫一个男人心烦意乱了,可这种烦乱还真有魅力呢。 “Well, let’s go over to Cade Calvert’s and have supper. Scarlett said Cathleen was home from Charleston. Maybe she’ll have some news about Fort Sumter that we haven’t heard.”
“那么,咱们到凯德·卡尔佛特家去吃晚饭。思嘉说过凯瑟已经从查尔斯顿回来了。也许她那儿有什么我们还没听到的关于萨姆特要塞的消息呢。” “Not Cathleen. I’ll lay you two to one she didn’t even know the fort was out there in the harbor, much less that it was full of Yankees until we shelled them out. All she’ll know about is the balls she went to and the beaux she collected.” “凯瑟琳不会有的。我敢和你打赌,她甚至连要塞在海港里都不清楚,哪里还知道那儿本来挤满了北方佬,后来被咱们全部轰走了。她唯一知道的就是舞会和她招来的那些情人。”“ |