He could not find the basket. At first he felt an outburst of joy, thinking that Amaranta ?rsula had awakened from death to take care of the child. But her corpse was a pile of stones under the blanket. Aware that when he arrived he had found the -door to the bedroom open, Aureliano went across the porch which was saturated with the morning sighs of oregano and looked into the dining room, where the remnants of the birth still lay: the large pot, the bloody sheets, the jars of ashes, and the twisted umbilical cord of the child on an opened diaper on the table next to the shears and the fishline. The idea that the midwife had returned for the child during the night gave him a pause of rest in which to think. He sank into the rocking chair, the same one in which Rebeca had sat during the early days of the house to give embroidery lessons, and in which Amaranta had played Chinese checkers with Colonel Gerineldo Márquez, and in which Amaranta ?rsula had sewn the tiny clothing for the child, and in that flash oflucidity he became aware that he was unable to bear in his soul the crushing weight of so much past. Wounded by the fatal lances of his own nostalgia and that of others, he admired the persistence of the spider webs on the dead rose bushes, the perseverance of the rye grass, the patience of the air in the radiant February dawn. |
谁知婴儿已不在摇篮里了。刹那间,一阵喜悦涌上奥雷连诺。布恩蒂亚的心头——他想,也许阿玛兰塔。 乌苏娜从死亡中复活过来,把儿子领去照顾了。可是,她依然躺在被子下面,僵硬得象一大块行头。奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚还依稀地记得,他回到家里时,卧室的门是开着的。他穿过早晨散发着牛至草香味的长廊,走进餐厅,只见分娩以后,那只大锅,那条血迹班斑的垫被,那块装灰用的瓦片,那块铺在桌子上的尿布,那条放在尿布中央、绕在一起的婴儿脐带,还有旁边的那些剪刀和带子,全都没有拿走。奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚心想,也许是助产婆昨夜回来把婴儿抱走了。这个推测给了他集中思想所需的片刻喘息的机会,他在一把摇椅上躺下,在这把摇椅里,雷贝卡学过刺绣,阿玛兰塔曾跟格林列尔多·马克斯上校下过棋,阿玛兰塔·乌苏哪曾给婴儿缝过衣服:就在这一刹那间——在他恍然大悟的刹那间——他终于明白自己的心再也承受不了往日那么多的重负。他自己的和别人的往事象致命的长矛刺痛了他的心。他诧异地望见放肆的蜘蛛网盘在枯死的玫瑰花丛上,望见到处都长满了顽固的莠草,望见二月里明朗的晨空一片宁静。 |