1. KEEP FRESH FLOWERS AROUND THE HOUSE 室内放鲜花 It’s a small thing, but a house with fresh blooms just has a way of livening up the space—and your mood. Plus, it doesn’t have to break the bank. Whether it’s one or two stems (minimalist vibes), a bunch of rosemary or a small bouquet of carnations, a little goes a long way. 这是小细节,但是室内摆上鲜花可以让屋子里充满生机,也可以让你的心情变得愉快。而且你不用花太多钱买花。无论是一两支极简主义风格的花朵、一把迷迭香还是一小束康乃馨,花一点钱就能让你受用良久。 2. GO GROCERY SHOPPING WEEKLY 每周定期去购买食品 An empty stomach is the biggest bad-mood catalyst. But if your kitchen is filled with healthy, yummy snacks, you can easily avoid a low-blood-sugar-impulse buy that makes you feel yucky. The best way to stay stocked? Pick a day of the week that you always go (we like Sunday) and build it into your schedule. 肚子饿是最容易影响心情的。但如果你的厨房里有很多健康美味的零食,你就可以轻松避免在低血糖的情况下冲动购物并为之感到懊恼。保持存粮充足的最佳方式就是每周定期(周日就很不错)去购买食品。 3. SET ASIDE AN HOUR A DAY JUST FOR YOU 每天留出专属自己的一个小时 When you have no time to yourself, you can feel like you’re trapped between other people’s needs. This one can be tough to do when people depend on you (hi, kids), but make time to anchor yourself in your own thoughts. We love waking up early to make coffee and read the paper. It’s amazing how much more grounded you’ll feel. 如果你没有专属于自己的时间,你会觉得自己被他人的需求困住了。当有人(比如孩子)依靠你的时候,这一点也许难以做到,但是你要挤出时间放飞自己的思绪。早早起床煮杯咖啡,读读报纸。你会发现自己心里踏实多了。 4. SET TINY, DAILY GOALS AND CROSS THEM OFF 每天设立一些可以实现的小目标并达成目标 There’s no better feeling than checking something off your to-do list. Give yourself a bunch of easy wins by making daily checklists and delightfully knocking them off one by one. Paying your electric bill has never felt more satisfying. 没有什么比在清单上划去待办事项让人感觉更好的了。每天设立一些容易实现的小目标,然后一个个地实现并在清单上愉快地划掉。即使是付清电费账单也会让你有成就感。 5. GO RADIO SILENT 远离电子产品 It may seem shocking, but there was a time when you didn’t have a cell phone, or a computer, or a cell phone that was a computer…and everything was fine. Disconnecting from the invisible world that’s constantly pulling you in for an hour or two a day will help you feel more present, and help you focus on what’s truly important. 这个建议也许会让你感到吃惊,但是过去你没有手机、电脑或平板电脑的时候,一切不也都挺好的么?每天有一两个小时脱离这个看不见的世界会让你更有活在当下的感觉,也能帮助你专注于真正重要的事情。 6. TREAT SOMEONE YOU APPRECIATE 用实际行动善待你感激的人 Whether it’s your work wife, another parent at the park or your dog walker, acknowledging that you’re grateful to those around you with small gestures—a soda, a doughnut, a coffee—spreads the love. They feel better, and you will, too. 无论是你的职场搭档、你在公园的忘年交还是帮你遛狗的人,你都可以用小小的行动(汽水、甜甜圈、咖啡等)来对你周围的这些人表示感激,散播爱意。他们的心情会更好,你也会更开心。 |