
来源:仪征中学 时间:2022-12-02

That encyclopedic coincidence was the beginning of a great friendship. Aureliano continued getting together in the afternoon with the four arguers, whose names were ?lvaro, Germán, Alfonso, and Gabriel, the first and last friends that he ever had in his life. For a man like him, holed up in written reality, those stormy sessions that began in the bookstore and ended at dawn in the brothels were a revelation. It had never occurred to him until then to think that literature was the best plaything that had ever been invented to make fun of people, as ?lvaro demonstrated during one night of revels. Some time would have to pass before Aureliano realized that such arbitrary attitudes had their origins in the example of the wise Catalonian, for whom wisdom was worth nothing if it could not be used to invent a way of preparing chick peas.

学识上的一致是伟大友谊的开端。奥雷连诺。 布恩蒂亚下午继续同四位争论对手见面,他们是阿尔伐罗、杰尔曼、阿尔丰索和加布里埃尔,这四位是他一生中的第一批也是最后一批朋友。象他这样整天埋头书堆的人,从书店开始到黎明时刻在妓院里结束的暴风雨般的聚会,对他真是一种启示。直到那时他还从未想到过,文艺是迄今为止用来嘲弄人的一切发明中最好的玩意儿。阿尔伐罗在一天晚宴中就是这样说的。过了一些时候奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚才想到明白,此说来源于博学的加泰隆尼亚人。老头子认为:知识要是不能用来发明一种烹饪鹰嘴豆的方法,那就一文不值了。
The afternoon on which Aureliano gave his lecture on cockroaches, the argument ended up in the house of the girls who went to bed because of hunger, a brothel of lies on the outskirts of Macondo. The proprietress was a smiling mamasanta, tormented by a mania for opening and closing doors. Her eternal smile seemed to have been brought on by the credulity of her customers, who accepted as something certain an establishment that did not exist except in the imagination, because even the tangible things there were unreal: the furniture that fell apart when one sat on it, the disemboweled phonograph with a nesting hen inside, the garden of paper flowers, the calendars going back to the years before the arrival of the banana company, the frames with prints cut out of magazines that had never been published. Even the timid little whores who came from the neighborhood: when the proprietress informed them that customers had arrived they were nothing but an invention. They would appear without any greeting in their little flowered dresses left over from days when they were five years younger, and they took them off with the same innocence with which they had put them on, and in the paroxysms of love they would exclaim good heavens, look how that roof is falling in, and as soon as they got their peso and fifty cents they would spend it on a roll with cheese that the proprietress sold them, smiling more than ever, because only she knew that that meal was not true either. Aureliano, whose world at that time began with Melquíades?parchments and ended in Nigromanta’s bed, found a stupid cure for timidity in the small imaginary brothel. At first he could get nowhere, in rooms where the proprietress would enter during the best moments of love and make all sorts of comments about the intimate charms of the protagonists. But with time he began to get so familiar with those misfortunes of the world that on one night that was more unbalanced than the others he got undressed in the small reception room and ran through the house balancing a bottle of beer on his inconceivable maleness. He was the one who made fashionable the extravagances that the proprietress celebrated with her eternal smile, without protesting, without believing in them just as when Germán tried to burn the house down to show that it did not exist, and as when Alfonso wrung the neck of the parrot and threw it into the pot where the chicken stew was beginning to boil. Although Aureliano felt himself linked to the four friends by a common affection and a common solidarity, even to the point where he thought of them as if they were one person, he was closer to Gabriel than to the others. The link was born on the night when he casually mentioned Colonel Aureliano Buendía and Gabriel was the only one who did not think that he was making fun of somebody. Even the proprietress, who normally did not take part in the conversation argued with a madam’s wrathful passion that Colonel Aureliano Buendía, of whom she had indeed heard speak at some time, was a figure invented by the government as a pretext for killing Liberals. Gabriel, on the other hand, did not doubt the reality of Colonel Aureliano Buendía because he had been a companion in arms and inseparable friend of his great-great-grandfather Colonel Gerineldo Márquez. Those fickle tricks of memory were even more critical when the killing of the workers was brought up. Every time that Aureliano mentioned the matter, not only the proprietress but some people older than she would repudiate the myth of the workers hemmed in at the station and the train with two hundred cars loaded with dead people, and they would even insist that, after all, everything had been set forth in judicial documents and in primary-school textbooks: that the banana company had never existed. So that Aureliano and Gabriel were linked by a kind of complicity based on real facts that no one believed in, and which had affected their lives to the point that both of them found themselves off course in the tide of a world that had ended and of which only the nostalgia remained. Gabriel would sleep wherever time overtook him. Aureliano put him up several times in the silver workshop, but he would spend his nights awake, disturbed by the noise of the dead people who walked through the bedrooms until dawn. Later he turned him over to Nigromanta, who took him to her well-used room when she was free and put down his account with vertical marks behind the door in thefew spaces left free by Aureliano’s debts. 奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚发表关于蟑螂的演说的那天下午,辩论是在马孔多镇边一个妓院里结束的,姑娘们因为饥饿都睡觉去了。鸨母是一个面带笑容的、假惺惺的人,不断的开门关门使她有些不耐烦。她脸上的笑容似乎是为容易上当的主顾装出来的,主顾们却认真地领受这种微笑,而这种微笑只是一种幻觉,实际上并不存在,因为这里可以触摸的一切东西都是不真实的:这里的椅子,人一坐上去就会散架;留声机里的零件换上了一只抱蛋的母鸡,花园里都是纸花,日历上的日子还是香蕉公司来到之前的日子,画框里镶着的画是从没有出版过的杂志上剪下来的,就拿附近地区来的那些羞怯的小娘儿们来说,鸨母一喊接客,她们除了装模作样,什么也不会干。她们穿着五年前剩下的瘦小的花布衫出现在嫖客面前,一句问候的话也不说,她们天真无邪地穿上这些衣服,同样天真无邪地脱去这些衣服。情欲达到高潮时,她们会大叫“天哪”,并且看着天花板如何坍塌下来。拿到一比索五十生地之后,她们便立刻去向鸨母买夹干酪的面包卷来吃。那时鸨母会笑得更甜了,因为只有她知道,那些食物也都是骗人货。奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚当时的生活,开头是阅读梅尔加德斯的手稿,最后是到尼格罗曼塔的床上。他在妓院里,发现了一种医治羞怯症的笨办法。起初,他毫无进展,他呆在房间里,鸨母在他们兴致正浓的时刻走进来,把相亲相爱的迷人之处向他俩作一番介绍。不过,时间一长,他开始熟悉人世间的不幸了,因此在一天夜里,情况比往常更加令人心神不定,他在小小的接待室里脱光了衣服,拿着一瓶啤酒,以他那不可思议的男子气概,跑着穿过那座房子。奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚把鸨母始终笑脸迎客的态度看做一种时髦作风,既不反对,也不相信,就象杰尔曼为了证明房子并不存在而要烧掉房子一样,也象阿尔丰索拧断鹦鹉的脖子,扔进滚沸的炖锅里一样,他都无动于衷。奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚感到,有一种共同的感情和友谊把他跟四位朋友联结在一起,他一想到他们,就仿佛他们是一个人。尽管如此,他还是比较接近加布里埃尔。这种关系是一天晚上产生的,当时他偶然提到了奥雷连诺上校,只有加布里埃尔一个人认为他不是在说笑话。甚至通常并不参加争论的鸨母,也摆出一副太太们特有的激愤样儿,争辩地说:她有时确实听说过奥雷连诺上校这个人,他是政府为了找个借口来消灭自由党而捏造出来的一个人物。加布里埃尔却不怀疑奥雷连诺上校真有其人,因为他曾和他的曾祖父格林列尔多·马克斯上校一起打过仗,他们是亲密的朋友。大家提到屠杀工人的事件时,记忆中的那些陷坑就变得特别深了。奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚每次提起这件事,不仅鸨母,甚至比她年长的人,都会起来驳斥那些神话,说工人们在车站上被军队包围,两百节车厢装满了死尸运往海边,这些都是虚构的,他们甚至还坚持说,在司法文件中以及小学教科书上,一切都讲得明明白白:香蕉公司从来不曾有过。这样,奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚和加布里埃尔就有了一种共同的关系,这种关系的基础就是他俩相信谁也不相信的事实。这对他俩的生活影响相当大,结果他俩都发现自己偏离了一切都已消亡、只剩下思乡病的世界潮流。加布里埃尔不管在什么地方,有空就睡觉。奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚在首饰作坊里接待过他好几次,但是加布里埃尔却整夜整夜睡不着觉,被那些穿过卧室的死人闹得无法安宁,直到天亮。后来,奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚把加布里埃尔交给尼格罗曼塔,她闲下时就把他带到她那从不得空的房间里,在门背后划上几条直杠,记下他的账,这些记号与奥雷连诺的欠账紧紧地