
来源:仪征中学 时间:2022-12-02

They became lovers. Aureliano would spend his mornings deciphering parchments and at siesta time he would go to the bedroom where Nigromanta was waiting for him, to teach him first how to do it like earthworms, then like snails, and finally like crabs, until she had to leave him and lie in wait for vagabond loves. Several weeks passed before Aureliano discovered that around her waist she wore a small belt that seemed to be made out of a cello string, but which was hard as steel and had no end, as if it had been born and grown with her. Almost always, between loves, they would eat naked in the bed, in the hallucinating heat and under the daytime stars that the rust had caused to shine on the zinc ceiling. It was the first time that Nigromanta had had a steady man, a bone crusher from head to toe, as she herself said, dying with laughter, and she had even begun to get romantic illusions when Aureliano confided in her about his repressed passion for Amaranta ?rsula, which he had not been able to cure with the substitution but which was twisting him inside all the more as experience broadened the horizons of love. After that Nigromanta continued to receive him with the same warmth as ever but she made him pay for her services so strictly that when Aureliano had no money she would make an addition to his bill, which was not figured in numbers but by marks that she made with her thumbnail behind the door. At sundown, while she was drifting through the shadows in the square, Aureliano, was going along the porch like a stranger, scarcely greeting Amaranta ?rsula and Gaston, who usually dined at that time, and shutting herself up in his room again, unable to read or write or even think because of the anxiety brought on by the laughter, the whispering, the preliminary frolics, and then the explosions of agonizing happiness that capped the nights in the house. That was his life two years before Gaston began to wait for the airplane, and it went on the same way on the afternoon that he went to the bookstore of the wise Catalonian and found four ranting boys in a heated argument about the methods used to kill cockroaches in the Middle Ages. The old bookseller, knowing about Aureliano’s love for books that had been read only by the Venerable Bede, urged him with a certain fatherly malice to get into the discussion, and without even taking a breath, he explained that the cockroach, the oldest winged insect on the face of the earth, had already been the victim of slippers in the Old Testament, but that since the species was definitely resistant to any and all methods of extermination, from tomato dices with borax to flour and sugar, and with its one thousand six hundred three varieties had resisted the most ancient, tenacious, and pitiless persecution that mankind had unleashed against any living thing since the beginnings, including man himself, to such an extent that just as an instinct for reproduction was attributed to humankind, so there must have been another one more definite and pressing, which was the instinct to kill cockroaches, and if the latter had succeeded in escaping human ferocity it was because they had taken refuge in the shadows, where they became invulnerable because of man’s congenital fear of the dark, but on the other hand they became susceptible to the glow of noon, so that by the Middle Ages already, and in present times, and per omnia secula seculorum, the only effective method for killing cockroaches was the glare of the sun.

尼格罗曼塔第一次有了一个固定的男人,正如她狂笑着说的,有了一个从头到脚都象碎骨机的人。奥雷连诺,布恩蒂亚却偷偷告诉她:他爱阿玛兰塔·乌苏娜,但他的爱是受压抑的,即使有了替身,也无法得到满足,特别是由于经验多了,对谈情说爱的眼界也开阔了,那就更无法满足了。为此,她甚至产生了浪漫的想法。以后,尼格罗曼塔一如既往地热情接待他,但却坚持要他为她的接待付钱,在奥雷连诺,布恩蒂亚没有钱时,她甚至还要记上一笔账,这笔账不是用数目字记的,而是用她的大拇指甲在门背后划上。日落时分,当她在广场暗处游荡的时候,奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚象陌生人似的,也正好沿门廊走着。通常,他很少向正在吃饭的阿玛兰塔·乌苏娜和加斯东打招呼,他把自己关回屋里。但由于听到他俩大声狂笑、悄悄耳语,以及后来他俩在黑夜中的欢乐,他焦躁不安,书看不下去,笔动不起来,连问题都不能思考。这就是加斯东在开始等待飞机之前两年中奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚的生活。这种生活一直如此。一天午后,他去博学的加泰隆尼亚人的书店,发现四个孩子吵闹不休,热烈地争论中世纪的人用什么方法杀死蟑螂。老书商知道奥雷连诺·布恩蒂亚对“可敬的比德”(大约673一735,盎格鲁撒克逊僧侣,历史学家。) 读过的书有一种癖好,使用父亲般的严肃态度请他加入争论,于是他滔滔不绝他讲开了:据《旧约》上说,地球上最古老的有翅昆虫——蟑螂,一直是人们脚下的牺牲品,但是这种昆虫对于消灭它们的一切方法都有抵抗力,即使掺了硼砂的蕃茄片以及面粉和白糖,都奈何它们不得。它们有一千六百零三个变种,已经抵御了最古老、最持久、最无情的迫害,抵御了人类开天辟地以来对任何生物都不曾使用过、对自己也不曾使用过的迫害手段。由于人类的迫害,蟑螂就有繁殖的本能,因此人类也有另一种更加坚定不移、更加咄咄逼人的杀死蟑螂的本能,如果说蟑螂成功地逃脱了人类的残酷迫害,那只是因为它们在阴暗的地方找到了避难所,它们在那里不会受到伤害,因为人们生来害怕黑暗。可是它们对阳光却很敏感,所以在中世纪,在当代,甚至永远都是如此,杀死蟑螂的唯一有效办法就是把它们放在太阳底下。