
来源:仪征中学 时间:2022-11-25

I know many of you were convinced the last night about six o' clock local time, the world was going to come to an end, just because it hasn't does not mean that is not nearby, because my appearing today at Yale University is surely one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. But listen, today is your day!

Please do not turn off your electronic devices. Leave your iPhones, your iPads, your Sidekicks, your Andoids, your Blackberrys powered up-recording, photographing, texting out all that emerges from this stage over the next few minutes.
By the way, I'm sporting the hat, it did't yet come off.
You know, later on today, you can compare your twitters and your Facebook comments with those of others to figure out if anything memorable went down. Hey, you know what? Tweet that lessons I just said... I give you some to do, give you some to do? Let your friends know where we are today.
