- Never before in the history or country have most of the advanced degrees been awarded to women but now they are.
- 历史上从不曾有哪个时刻哪个国家像现在这样,将多数的高等学位颁发给女性。
- Since the dawn of man, it's hardly more than 100 years since we were even allowed into these buildings
- 自人类文明以来,在不到100年前,女人在这些学校里,还只能当清洁工,
- except to clean them but soon most of law and medical degrees will probably also go to women.
- 但是不久之后,女性就拿到了大部分的法律、医学学位。
- Around the world, poor women now own property who used to be property and according to Economist magazine,
- 在世界各地,过去被当成财产的贫穷妇女们,现在开始拥有自己的财产;《经济学家》更指出,
- for the last ,two decades, the increase of female employment in the rich world has been the main driving force of growth.
- 在过去的20年里,女性劳动力的增加是工业国家经济成长的主要驱动力。
- Those women have contributed more to global GDP growth than have either new technology or the new giants India or china.
- 她们对于全球GDP增长所作出的贡献,甚至超过了任何新技术,也超过了诸如中国或印度等经济新兴的国家这些。
- Cracks in the ceiling, cracks in the door, cracks in the Court and on the Senate floor.
- 女性晋升时遭遇的无形阻碍已不复存在,女性的家庭地位也大幅提升,法院和议会也消除了对女性的歧视。
- You know, I gave a speech at Vassar 27 years ago. It was a really big hit.
- 27年前,我在瓦萨学院也做了个演讲,大获成功。
- Everyone loved it, really. Tom Brokaw said it was the very best commencement speech he had ever heard and of course I believed this.
- 所有人都很喜欢。汤姆·布罗考说那是他听过的最好的毕业致辞。我当然相信这是他的肺腑之言。
- And it was much easier to construct than this one. It came out pretty easily because back then I knew so much.
- 那篇演讲稿比起今天这篇来说容易起草很多。因为那个时候我经历的不少。
- I was a new mother, I had two Aacademy awards and it was all coming together so nicely.
- 我刚刚生了孩子,得了两个奥斯卡奖,一切都很顺利。
- I was smart and I understood boiler plate and what sounded good and because I had been on the squad in high school,
- 那时的我很聪明能干,知道什么样的声音最动听,我可是拉拉队长出身啊,
- earnest full-throated cheerleading was my specialty so that's what I did but now,
- 竭尽全力的喝彩加油是我的特长。但如今,
- I feel like I know about 1/16th of what that young woman knew. Things don't seem as certain today.
- 我觉得自己懂得的东西,大概只有你们年轻女孩们的 1/16吧。对于世事,我不再像以往那么确定。
- Now I'm 60, I have four adult children who are all facing the same challenges you are.
- 我今年60岁,4个孩子都已经成年,也和你们面临着一样的挑战。
- I'm more sanguine about all the things that I still don't know and l'm still curious about.
- 不过尽管如此,对于很多我始终没搞懂,但还是很好奇的事情,我却变得更加乐观。
- What I do know about success, fame, celebrity——that would fill another speech.
- 要是讲讲对成功、声誉、成名的看法,我还能再做一次演讲。
- How it separates you from your friends, from reality, from proportion.
- 这些东西会使你和朋友的关系变得生疏,会使你看不清现实。
- Your own sweet anonymity, a treasure you don't even know you have until it's gone.
- 这些东西会夺走你宝贵的隐私和无名惬意,要不是失去它们,你都不会知道自己还曾经拥有过。
- How it makes things tough for your family and whether being famous matters one bit, in the end, in the whole flux of time.
- 成名这些东西影响着你家人的正常生活,所以成不成名真的是无所谓。
- I know I was invited here because of that. How famous I am.
- 我清楚我今天能来到这儿给你们讲话也是因为我很出名。
- How many awards I've won and while I am overweeningly proud of the work that, believe me, I did not do on my own.
- 我得了很多奖,我也很自豪能有今天的成就,但是,说真的,这些都不是我一个的功劳。
- I can assure that awards have very little bearing on my own personal happiness.
- 我可以肯定地说,获奖对我人生的幸福没起多大作用。
- My own sense of well-being and purpose in the world-that comes from studying the world feelingly, with empathy in my work.
- 我对幸福和价值的看法是,要充满感情地去研究这个世界,通过我的表演去体验别人的人生。
- It comes from staying alert and alive and involved in the lives of the people
- 所以我要保持警醒,对生活充满热情,投入到我爱的人的生活当中,
- that I love and the people in the wider world who need my help.
- 去帮助世界上需要我帮助的人。
- No matter what you see me or hear me saying when I'm on your TV holding a statuette spewing, that's acting.
- 你们在电视上看到我兴高采烈,手捧奖杯时的所作所说,其实都是在表演。
- Being a celebrity has taught me to hide but being an actor has opened my soul.
- 成名让我学会躲避,而作为一名演员,我又学会了打开自己的心灵。
- Being here today has forced me to look around inside there for something useful
- 今天来这儿做演讲,促使我审视内心,与你们分享在我看来有用的东西。
- that I can share with you and I'm really grateful you gave me the chance.
- 我真的很感激能有这个机会,感谢你们。
- You know you don't have to be famous. You just have to make your mother and father proud of you and you already have.
- 你们要明白,其实不必非得成名,只要让父母为你感到骄傲,就已经足够。而这一点,你们都已经做到了。
- Bravo to you. Congratulations.
- 为你们喝彩!祝贺你们!