Father Nicanor did not agree: the growing generosity of the faithful permitted him to make more optimistic calculations. To the mute Indignation of Rebeca, who could not finish her lunch, úrsula celebrated Amaranta"s idea and contributed a considerable sum for the work to move faster. Father Nicanor felt that with another contribution like that the church would be ready within three years. From then on Rebeca did not say another word to Amaranta, convinced that her initiative had not the innocence that she attempted to give it. "That was the least serious thing I could have done," Amaranta answered her during the violent argument they had that night. "In that way I won"t have to kill you for three years." Rebeca accepted the challenge. |
尼康诺神父不同意她的看法:因为信徒们越慷慨,他就越能作出乐观的估计。雷贝卡心中不快,饭也没有吃完,而乌苏娜却赞成阿玛兰塔的想法,答应捐助一大笔款子。加快工程进度。尼康诺神父声称:再有这样一笔捐款,教堂三年就能落成。从那一天起,雷贝卡就不跟阿玛兰塔说一句话了,因为她确信,妹妹心里想的并不象嘴里说的那么单纯。“算啦,我没干更坏的事,”那天晚上她俩之间发生激烈争论时,阿玛兰塔说。“起码最近三年我不必杀死你。”雷贝卡接受了挑战。 |
When Pietro Crespi found out about the new postponement, he went through a crisis of disappointment, but Rebeca gave him a final proof of her loyalty. "We"ll elope whenever you say," she told him. Pietro Crespi, however, was not a man of adventure. He lacked the impulsive character of his fiancée and he considered respect for one"s given word as a wealth that should not be squandered. |
知道又延期了,皮埃特罗·克列斯比陷入了绝望,但是未婚妻最后向他证明了自己的坚贞。“你啥时候愿意,咱们可以离开这儿,”她说。然而皮埃特罗·克列斯比并不是冒险家。他没有未婚妻那种冲动的性格,但是认为妻子的话应当重视。 |
Then Rebeca turned to more audacious methods. A mysterious wind blew out the lamps in the parlor and úrsula surprised the lovers kissing in the dark. Pietro Crespi gave her some confused explanations about the poor quality of modern pitch lamps and he even helped her install a more secure system of illumination for the room. But the fuel failed again or the wicks became clogged and úrsula found Rebeca sitting on her fiancé"s lap. This time she would accept no explanation. She turned the responsibility of the bakery over to the Indian woman and sat in a rocking chair to watch over the young people during the visits, ready to win out over maneuvers that had already been old when she was a girl. "Poor Mama," Rebeca would say with mock indignation, seeing úrsula yawn during the boredom of the visits. "When she dies she"ll go off to her reward in that rocking chair." After three months of supervised love, fatigued by the slow progress of the construction, which he went to inspect every day, Pietro Crespi decided to give Father Nicanor the money he needed to finish the church. Amaranta did not grow impatient. As she conversed with her girl friends every afternoon when they came to embroider on the porch, she tried to think of new subterfuges. A mistake in calculation spoiled the one she considered the most effective: removing the mothballs that Rebeca had put in her wedding dress before she put it away in the bedroom dresser. She did it when two months were left for the completion of the church. But Rebeca was so impatient with the approach of the wedding that she wanted to get the dress ready earlier than Amaranta had foreseen. When she opened the dresser and unfolded first the papers and then the protective cloth, she found the fabric of the dress and the stitches of the veil and even the crown of orange blossoms perforated by moths. Although she was sure that she had put a handful of mothballs in the wrappings, the disaster seemed so natural that she did not dare blame Amaranta. There was less than a month untilthe wedding, but Amparo Moscote promised to sew a new dress within a week. Amaranta felt faint that rainy noontime when Amparo came to the house wrapped in the froth of needlework for Rebeca to have the final fitting of the dress. She lost her voice and a thread of cold sweat ran down the path of her spine. For long months she had trembled with fright waiting for that hour, because if she had not been able to conceive the ultimate obstacle to Rebeca"s wedding, she was sure that at the last moment, when all the resources of her imagination had failed, she would have the courage to poison her. That afternoon, while Rebeca was suffocating with heat inside the armor of thread that Amparo Moscote was putting about her body with thousands of pins and infinite patience, Amaranta made several mistakes in her crocheting and pricked her finger with the needle, but she decided with frightful coldness that the date would be the last Friday before the wedding and the method would be a dose of laudanum in her |