Aureliano relaxed with the proof of the omen. He went back to concentrate on his work as if nothing had happened, and his voice took on a restful strength. |
奥雷连诺相信自己的预感已经应验,就感到松快了。他又在桌上埋头干活,仿佛什么事情也没发生,他的声音既平静又坚定。 |
"I will recognize him," he said. "He"ll bear my name." |
“我承认他,”他说。“他就取我的名字吧。” |
José Arcadio Buendía finally got what he was looking for: he connected the mechanism of the clock to a mechanical ballerina, and the toy danced uninterruptedly to the rhythm of her own music for three days. That discovery excited him much more than any of his other harebrained undertakings. |
霍·阿·布恩蒂亚终于达到了自己的目的。他把钟上的发条连接在一个自动芭蕾舞女演员身上,这玩具在本身的音乐伴奏之下不停地舞蹈了三天。这件发明比以往的任何荒唐把戏都叫他激动。 |
He stopped eating. He stopped sleeping. Only the vigilance and care of Rebeca kept him from being dragged off by his imagination into a state of perpetual delirium from which he would not recover. |
他不再吃饭,也不再睡觉。他失去了乌苏娜的照顾和监督,就幻想联翩,永远陷入了如痴似狂的状态,再也不能复原了。 |
He would spend the nights walking around the room thinking aloud, searching for a way to apply the principles of the pendulum to oxcarts, to harrows, to everything that was useful when put into motion. |
他整夜整夜在房间里踱来踱去,喃喃自语,想方设法要把钟摆的原理应用到牛车上,应用到犁铧上,应用到一动就对人有益的一切东西上。 |
The fever of insomnia fatigued him so much that one dawn he could not recognize the old man with white hair and uncertain gestures who came into his bedroom. It was Prudencio Aguilar. When he finally identified him, startled that the dead also aged, José Arcadio Buendía felt himself shaken by nostalgia. "Prudencio," he exclaimed. "You"ve come from a long way off!" |
失眠症把霍·阿·布恩蒂亚完全搞垮了,有一天早晨,一个头发雪白、步履蹒跚的老头儿走进他的卧室,他也没有认出此人。原来这是普鲁登希奥·阿吉廖尔。最后弄清楚了客人的身份,发现死人也会衰老,霍·阿·布恩蒂亚非常惊讶,而且产生了怀旧之情。“普鲁登希奥,”他叫道,“你怎么从老远的地方跑到这儿来了?” |
After many years of death the yearning for the living was so intense, the need for company so pressing, so terrifying the neatness of that other death which exists within death, that Prudencio Aguilar had ended up loving his worst enemy. He had spent a great deal of time looking for him. He asked the dead from Riohacha about him, the dead who came from the Upar Valley, those who came from the swamp, and no one could tell him because Macondo was a town that was unknown to the dead until Melquíades arrived and marked it with a small black dot on the motley maps of death. |
在死人国里呆了多年,普鲁登希奥强烈怀念活人,急切需要有个伙伴,畏惧阴曹地府另一种死亡的迫近,他终于喜欢自己最凶狠的冤家了。他花了许多时间寻找霍·阿·布恩蒂亚,他向列奥阿察来的死人打听过,向乌帕尔山谷和沼泽地来的死人打听过,可是谁也无法帮助他。因为,梅尔加德斯来到阴间,在死亡簿上用小黑点划了“到”之前,其他的死人还不知道马孔多。 |