【名著阅读】《百年孤独》第4章Part 5

来源:仪征中学 时间:2021-11-12
Rebeca shuddered. As in the memory of a dream she saw herself entering the house as a very small girl, with the trunk and the little rocker, and a bag whose contents she had never known. She remembered a bald gentleman dressed in linen and with his collar closed by a gold button, who had nothing to do with the king of hearts. She remembered a very young and beautiful woman with warm and perfumed hands, who had nothing in common with the jack of diamonds and his rheumatic hands, and who used to put flowers in her hair and take her out walking in the afternoon through a town with green streets. 雷贝卡浑身颤栗。她仿佛想起了很久以前的一场梦,看见自己是个小姑娘,带着一只小箱子、一张木摇椅和一条口袋,走进布恩蒂亚的房子——口袋里是什么东西,她始终都不知道。她想起一个穿着亚麻布衣服的秃顶先生,他的衬衫领子被一个金色钮扣扣得紧紧的,但他一点不象纸牌上的红桃老K.她也想起了一个十分年轻、漂亮的女人,有一双温暖、芬芳的手,但是这双手跟纸牌上那个方块皇后好象患风湿的手毫不相同;这个年轻女人经常把花朵戴在她的头发上,带她到镇上绿树成荫的傍晚的街头去闲逛。
"I don"t understand," she said. “我不明白,”雷贝卡说。
Pilar Ternera seemed disconcerted: 皮拉·苔列娜感到困窘。
"I don"t either, but that"s what the cards say." “我也不明白,可这是纸牌说的。”
Rebeca was so preoccupied with the enigma that she told it to José Arcadio Buendía, and he scolded her for believing in the predictions of the cards, but he undertook the silent task of searching closets and trunks, moving furniture and turning over beds and floorboards looking for the bag of bones. He remembered that he had not seen it since the time of the rebuilding. He secretly summoned the masons and one of them revealed that he had walled up the bag in some bedroom because it bothered him in his work. After several days of listening, with their ears against the walls, they perceived the deep cloccloc. They penetrated the wall and there were the bones in the intact bag. They buried it the same day in a grave without a stone next to that of Melquíades, and José Arcadio Buendía returned home free of a burden that for a moment had weighed on his conscience as much as the memory of Prudencio Aguilar. When he went through the kitchen he kissed Rebeca on the forehead. 雷贝卡对这模糊的预言感到不安,就把它告诉了霍·阿·布恩蒂亚。他责骂她相信纸牌的占卜,可他自己却悄悄地翻箱倒柜,搬动家具,撬起地板,掀开床铺,寻找那只装着骸骨的袋子。据他记得,自从房屋改建以来,他就没有见过那只袋子。他暗中把一些泥瓦匠叫来,其中一个承认他把袋子砌在一间卧室的墙壁里了,因为它妨碍他干活。接连几天,他们都把耳朵贴在每一堵墙壁上仔细倾听,最后才听到深沉的“咔嚓咔嚓”声。他们打通墙壁,骸骨袋子仍然完整无损地放在那儿。同一天,他们就把骸骨埋在一个没有墓碑的坟坑里了,那坟坑距离梅尔加德斯的墓塚不远;霍·阿·布恩蒂亚如释重负地回到家里,因为,对于这件事情,他有时就象想起普鲁登希奥·阿吉廖尔那么沉痛。他经过厨房时,吻了吻雷贝卡的脑门。
"Get those bad thoughts out of your head," he told her. "You"re going to be happy." “别再胡思乱想啦,”他向她说。“你会幸福的。”
The friendship with Rebeca opened up to Pilar Ternera the doors of the house, closed by úrsula since the birth of Arcadio. She would arrive at any hour of the day, like a flock of goats, and would unleash her feverish energy in the hardest tasks. Sometimes she would go into the workshop and help Arcadio sensitize the daguerreotype plates with an efficiency and a tenderness that ended up by confusing him. That woman bothered him. The tan of her skin, her smell of smoke, the disorder of her laughter in the darkroom distracted his attention and made him bump into things. 阿卡蒂奥出生之后,乌苏娜就不让皮拉·苔列娜来自己家里了;但是皮拉·苔列娜跟雷贝卡交上了朋友,这家的大门又对她敞开了。她一个人就象一群山羊,一天要来好多次,来了就干最重的家务,非常卖力。有时,她也到作坊里去帮助阿卡蒂奥修照相底片,既勤快又温存,这个青年终于感到不好意思。他的脑瓜都给这个女人搅昏了。她那温暖的皮肤,她身上发出的烟味,以及她在暗室里的狂笑,都分散把他的注意力,使他不断地跟东西相撞。
On a certain occasion Aureliano was there working on his silver, and Pilar Ternera leaned over the table to admire his laborious patience. Suddenly it happened. Aureliano made sure that Arcadio was in the darkroom before raising his eyes and meeting those of Pilar Ternera, whose thought was perfectly visible, as if exposed to the light of noon. 有一次,皮拉·苔列娜在作坊里看见正在干首饰活的奥雷连诺,她就倚着他的桌子,赞赏地观察他耐心而精确地工作。事情是突然发生的。奥雷连诺确信阿卡蒂奥是在另一个房间里,然后才朝皮拉·苔列娜扬起眼来,正巧跟她的视线相遇,她眼里的意思就象晌午的太阳那么明朗。
"Well," Aureliano said. "Tell me what it is." “唔,”奥雷连诺问道。“什么事哇?”
Pilar Ternera bit her lips with a sad smile. 皮拉·苔列娜咬紧嘴唇,苦笑了一下。
"That you"d be good in a war," she said. "Where you put your eye, you put your bullet." “你打仗真行,”她回答。“弹无虚发。”