"The magistrate," úrsula answered disconsolately. They say he"s an authority sent by the government." |
“镇长,”乌苏娜怏怏不乐地回答。“听说他是政府派来的官儿。” |
Don Apolinar Moscote, the magistrate, had arrived in Macondo very quietly. He put up at the Hotel Jacob--built by one of the first Arabs who came to swap knickknacks for macaws-and on the following day he rented a small room with a door on the street two blocks away from the Buendía house. He set up a table and a chair that he had bought from Jacob, nailed up on the wall the shield of the republic that he had brought with him, and on the door he painted the sign: Magistrate. His first order was for all the houses to be painted blue in celebration of the anniversary of national independence. José Arcadio Buendía, with the copy of the order in his hand, found him taking his nap in a hammock he had set up in the narrow office. "Did you write this paper?" he asked him. Don Apolinar Moscote, a mature man, timid, with a ruddy complexion, said yes. "By what right?" José Arcadio Buendía asked again. Don Apolinar Moscote picked up a paper from the drawer of the table and showed it to him. "I have been named magistrate of this town." José Arcadio Buendía did not even look at the appointment. |
阿·摩斯柯特镇长先生是不声不响地来到马孔多的。第一批阿拉伯人来到这儿,用小玩意儿交换鹦鹉的时候,有个阿拉伯人开了一家雅各旅店,阿·摩斯柯特首先住在这个旅店里,第二天才租了一个门朝街的小房间,离布恩蒂亚的房子有两个街区。他在室内摆上从雅各旅店买来的桌子和椅子,把带来的共和国国徽钉在墙上,并且在门上刷了“镇长”二字。他的第一道命令就是要所有的房屋刷成蓝色,借以庆祝国家独立的周年纪念。霍·阿·布恩蒂亚拿着复写的命令来找镇长,正碰见他在小办公室的吊床上睡午觉。“这张纸儿是你写的吗?”霍·阿·布恩蒂亚问。阿·摩斯柯特是个上了岁数的人,面色红润,显得胆怯,作了肯定的问答。“凭什么权力?”霍·阿·布恩蒂亚又问。阿·摩斯柯特从办公桌抽屉内拿出一张纸来,递给他看。“兹派该员前往上述市镇执行镇长职务。”霍·阿·布恩蒂亚对这委任状看都不看一眼。 |
"In this town we do not give orders with pieces of paper," he said without losing his calm. "And so that you know it once and for all, we don"t need any judge here because there"s nothing that needs judging." |
“在这个市镇上,我们不 靠纸儿发号施令,”他平静地回答。“请你永远记住:我们不需要别人指手画脚,我们这儿的事用不着别人来管。” |
Facing Don Apolinar Moscote, still without raising his voice, he gave a detailed account of how they had founded the village, of how they had distributed the land, opened the roads, and introduced the improvements that necessity required without having bothered the government and without anyone having bothered them. "We are so peaceful that none of us has died even of a natural death," he said. "You can see that we still don"t have any cemetery." No once was upset that the government had not helped them. On the contrary, they were happy that up until then it had let them grow in peace, and he hoped that it would continue leaving them that way, because they had not founded a town so that the first upstart who came along would tell them what to do. Don Apolinar had put on his denim jacket, white like his trousers, without losing at any moment the elegance of his gestures. |
阿·摩斯柯特先生保持镇定,霍·阿·布恩蒂亚仍然没有提高声音,向他详细他讲了讲:他们如何建村,如何划分土地、开辟道路,做了应做的一切,从来没有麻烦过任何政府。谁也没有来麻烦过他们。“我们是爱好和平的人,我们这儿甚至还没死过人咧。”霍·阿·布恩蒂亚说。“你能看出,马孔多至今没有墓地。”他没有抱怨政府,恰恰相反,他高兴没有人来妨碍他们安宁地发展,希望今后也是如此,因为他们建立马孔多村,不是为了让别人来告诉他们应该怎么办的。阿,摩斯柯特先生穿上象裤子一样白的祖布短上衣,一分钟也没忘记文雅的举止。 |
"So that if you want to stay here like any other ordinary citizen, you"re quite welcome," José Arcadio Buendía concluded. "But if you"ve come to cause disorder by making the people paint their houses blue, you can pick up your junk and go back where you came from. Because my house is going to be white, white, like a dove." |
“所以,如果你想留在这个镇上做一个普通的居民,我们完全欢迎。”霍·阿·布恩蒂亚最后说。“可是,如果你来制造混乱,强迫大伙儿把房子刷成蓝色,那你就拿起自己的行李,回到你来的地方去,我的房子将会白得象一只鸽子。” |
Don Apolinar Moscote turned pale. He took a step backward and tightened his jaws as he said with a certain affliction: |
阿·摩斯柯特先生脸色发白。他倒退一步,咬紧牙关,有点激动他说: |
"I must warn you that I"m armed." |
“我得警告你,我有武器。” |