【名著阅读】《百年孤独》第3章Part 6

来源:仪征中学 时间:2021-10-29
While Macondo was celebrating the recovery of its memory, José Arcadio Buendía and Melquíades dusted off their old friendship. The gypsy was inclined to stay in the town. He really had been through death, but he had returned because he could not bear the solitude. Repudiated by his tribe, having lost all of his supernatural faculties because of his faithfulness to life, he decided to take refuge in that corner of the world which had still not been discovered by death, dedicated to the operation of a daguerreotype laboratory. José Arcadio Buendía had never heard of that invention. But when he saw himself and his whole family fastened onto a sheet of iridescent metal for an eternity, he was mute with stupefaction. That was the date of the oxidized daguerreotype in which José Arcadio Buendía appeared with his bristly and graying hair, his card board collar attached to his shirt by a copper button, and an expression of startled solemnity, whom úrsula described, dying with laughter, as a "frightened general." José Arcadio Buendía was, in fact, frightened on that dear December morning when the daguerreotype was made, for he was thinking that people were slowly wearing away while his image would endure an a metallic plaque. Through a curious reversal of custom, it was úrsula who got that idea out of his head, as it was also she who forgot her ancient bitterness and decided that Melquíades would stay on in the house, although she never permitted them to make a daguerreotype of her because (according to her very words) she did not want to survive as a laughingstock for her grandchildren. That morning she dressed the children in their best clothes, powdered their faces, and gave a spoonful of marrow syrup to each one so that they would all remain absolutely motionless during the nearly two minutes in front of Melquíades fantastic camera. In the family daguerreotype, the only one that ever existed, Aureliano appeared dressed in black velvet between Amaranta and Rebeca. He had the same languor and the same clairvoyant look that he would have years later as he faced the firing squad. But he still had not sensed the premonition of his fate. He was an expert silversmith, praised all over the swampland for the delicacy of his work. In the workshop, which he shared with Melquíades" mad laboratory, he could barely be heard breathing. He seemed to be taking refuge in some other time, while his father and the gypsy with shouts interpreted the predictions of Nostradamus amidst a noise of flasks and trays and the disaster of spilled acids and silver bromide that was lost in the twists and turns it gave at every instant. That dedication to his work, the good judgment with which he directed his attention, had allowed Aureliano to earn in a short time more money than úrsula had with her delicious candy fauna, but everybody thought it strange that he was now a fullgrown man and had not known a woman. It was true that he had never had one. 马孔多庆祝记忆复原的时候,霍·阿·布恩蒂亚和梅尔加德斯恢复了往日的友谊。吉卜赛人打算留居镇上。他的确经历过死亡,但是忍受不了孤独,所以回到这儿来了。因为他忠于现实生活,失去了自己的神奇本领,被他的部族抛弃,他就决定在死神还没发现的这个角落里得到一个宁静的栖身之所,把自己献给银版照相术。霍·阿·布恩蒂亚根本没有听说过这样的发明。可是,当他看见自己和全家的人永远印在彩虹色的金属版上时,他惊得说不出话了;霍·阿·布恩蒂亚有一张锈了的照相底版就是这时的——蓬乱的灰色头发,铜妞扣扣上的浆领衬衫,一本正经的惊异表情。乌苏娜笑得要死,认为他象“吓破了胆的将军。”说真的,在那晴朗的十二月的早晨,梅尔加德斯拍照的时候,霍·阿·布恩蒂亚确实吓坏了:他生怕人像移到金属版上,人就会逐渐消瘦。不管多么反常,乌苏娜这一次却为科学辩护,竭力打消丈夫脑瓜里的荒谬想法。他忘了一切旧怨,决定让梅尔加德斯住在他们家里。然而,乌苏娜自己从不让人给她拍照,因为(据她自己的说法)她不愿留下像来成为子孙的笑柄。那天早晨,她给孩子们穿上好衣服,在他们脸上搽了粉,让每人喝了一匙骨髓汤,使他们能在梅尔加德斯奇异的照相机前面凝然不动地站立几乎两分钟。在这张“全家福”(这是过去留下的唯一的照片)上,奥雷连诺穿着黑色丝绒衣服,站在阿玛兰塔和雷贝卡之间,他的神情倦怠,目光明澈,多年以后,他就是这副神态站在行刑队面前的。可是,照片上的青年当时还没听到命运的召唤,他只是一个能干的首饰匠,由于工作认真,在整个沼泽地带都受到尊重。他的作坊同时是梅尔加德斯的试验室,这儿几乎听不到他的声音。在瓶子的当嘟声和盘子的敲击声中,在接连不断的灾难中:酸溢出来了,溴化银浪费掉了,当他的父亲和吉卜赛人大声争论纳斯特拉达马斯的预言时,奥雷连诺似乎呆在另一个世界里。奥雷连诺忘我地工作,善于维护自己的利益,因此在短时期内,他挣的钱就超过了乌苏娜出售糖动物的收益。大家觉得奇怪的只有一点——他已经是个完全成熟的人,为什么至今不结交女人,的确,他还没有女人。