【名著阅读】《百年孤独》第3章Part 4

来源:仪征中学 时间:2021-10-22
They had indeed contracted the illness of insomnia. úrsula, who had learned from her mother the medicinal value of plants, prepared and made them all drink a brew of monkshood, but they could not get to sleep and spent the whole day dreaming on their feet. In that state of hallucinated lucidity, not only did they see the images of their own dreams, but some saw the images dreamed by others. It was as if the house were full of visitors. Sitting in her rocker in a corner of the kitchen, Rebeca dreamed that a man who looked very much like her, dressed in white linen and with his shirt collar closed by a gold button, was bringing her a bouquet of roses. He was accompanied by a woman with delicate hands who took out one rose and put it in the child"s hair. úrsula understood that the man and woman were Rebeca"s parents, but even though she made a great effort to recognize them, she confirmed her certainty that she had never seen them. In the meantime, through an oversight that José Arcadio Buendía never forgavehimself for, the candy animals made in the house were still being sold in the town. Children and adults sucked with delight on the delicious little green roosters of insomnia, the exquisite pink fish of insomnia, and the tender yellow ponies of insomnia, so that dawn on Monday found the whole town awake. No one was alarmed at first. On the contrary, they were happy at not sleeping because there was so much to do in Macondo in those days that there was barely enough time. They worked so hard that soon they had nothing else to do and they could be found at three o"clock in the morning with their arms crossed, counting the notes in the waltz of the clock. Those who wanted to sleep, not from fatigue but because of the nostalgia for dreams, tried all kinds of methods of exhausting themselves. They would gather together to converse endlessly, to tell over and over for hours on end the same jokes, to complicate to the limits of exasperation the story about the capon, which was an endless game in which the narrator asked if they wanted him to tell them the story about the capon, and when they answered yes, the narrator would say that he had not asked them to say yes, but whether they wanted him to tell them the story about the capon, and when they answered no, the narrator told them that he had not asked them to say no, but whether they wanted him to tell them the story about the capon, and when they remained silent the narrator told them that he had not asked them to remain silent but whether they wanted him to tell them the story about the capon, and no one could leave because the narrator would say that he had not asked them to leave but whether they wanted him to tell them the story about the capon, and so on and on in a vicious circle that lasted entire nights.的确,全家的人都息了失眠症,乌苏娜曾从母亲那儿得到一些草药知识,就用乌头熬成汤剂,给全家的人喝了,可是大家仍然不能成眠,而且白天站着也做梦。处在这种半睡半醒的古怪状态中,他们不仅看到自己梦中的形象,而且看到别人梦中的形象。仿佛整座房子都挤满了客人。雷贝卡坐在厨房犄角里的摇椅上,梦见一个很象她的人,这人穿着白色亚麻布衣服,衬衫领子上有一颗金色钮扣,献给她一柬玫瑰花。他的身边站着一个双手细嫩的女人,她拿出一朵玫瑰花来,佩戴在雷贝卡的头发上,乌苏娜明白,这男人和女人是姑娘的父母,可是不管怎样竭力辨认,也不认识他们,终于相信以前是从来没有见过他们的。同时,由于注意不够(这是霍·阿·布恩蒂亚不能原谅自己的),家里制作的糖动物照旧拿到镇上去卖。大人和孩子都快活地吮着有味的绿色公鸡、漂亮的粉红色小鱼、最甜的黄色马儿。这些糖动物似乎也是患了失眠症的。星期一天亮以后,全城的人已经不睡觉了。起初,谁也不担心。许多的人甚至高兴,——因为当时马孔多百业待兴,时间不够。人们那么勤奋地工作,在短时间内就把一切都做完了,现在早晨三点就双臂交叉地坐着,计算自鸣钟的华尔兹舞曲有多少段曲调。想睡的人——井非由于疲乏,而是渴望做梦——采取各种办法把自己弄得精疲力尽,他们聚在一起,不住地絮絮叨叨,一连几小时把同样的奇闻说了又说,大讲特讲白色阉鸡的故事。一直把故事搞得复杂到了极点。这是一种没完没了的玩耍——讲故事的人问其余的人,他们想不想听白色阉鸡的故事,如果他们回答他“是的”,他就说他要求回答的不是“是的”,而是要求回答:他们想不想听白色阉鸡的故事;如果他们回答说“不”,他就说他要求回答的不是“不”,而是要求回答:他们想不想听白色阉鸡的故事;如果大家沉默不语,他就说他要求的不是沉默不语,而是要求回答:他们想不想听白色阉鸡的故事,而且谁也不能走开,因为他说他没有要求他们走开,而是要求回答:他们想不想听白色阉鸡的故事。就这样,一圈一圈的人,整夜整夜说个没完。When José Arcadio Buendía realized that the plague had invaded the town, he gathered together the heads of families to explain to them what he knew about the sickness of insomnia, and they agreed on methods to prevent the scourge from spreading to other towns in the swamp. That was why they took the bells off the goats, bells that the Arabs had swapped them for macaws, and put them at the entrance to town at the disposal of those who would not listen to the advice and entreaties of the sentinels and insisted on visiting the town. All strangers who passed through the streets of Macondo at that time had to ring their bells so that the sick people would know that they were healthy. They were not allowed to eat or drink anything during their stay, for there was no doubt but that the illness was transmitted by mouth, and all food and drink had been contaminated by insomnia. In that way they kept the plague restricted to the perimeter of the town. So effective was the quarantine that the day came when the emergency situation was accepted as a natural thing and life was organized in such a way that work picked up its rhythm again and no one worried any more about the useless habit of sleeping.霍·阿·布恩蒂亚知道传染病遍及整个市镇,就把家长们召集起来,告诉他们有关这种失眠症的常识,并且设法防止这种疾病向邻近的城乡蔓延。于是,大家从一只只山羊身上取下了铃铛——用鹦鹉向阿拉伯人换来的铃铛,把它们挂在马孔多人口的地方,供给那些不听岗哨劝阻、硬要进镇的人使用。凡是这时经过马孔多街道的外来人都得摇摇铃铛,让失眠症患者知道来人是健康的。他们在镇上停留的时候,不准吃喝,因为毫无疑问,病从口人嘛,而马孔多的一切食物和饮料都染上了失眠症,采取这些办法,他们就把这种传染病限制在市镇范围之内了。隔离是严格遵守的,大家逐渐习惯了紧急状态。生活重新上了轨道,工作照常进行,谁也不再担心失去了无益的睡眠习惯。It was Aureliano who conceived the formula that was to protect them against loss of memory for several months. He discovered it by chance. An expert insomniac, having been one of the first, he had learned the art of silverwork to perfection. One day he was looking for the small anvil that he used for laminating metals and he could not remember its name. His father told him: "Stake." Aureliano wrote the name on a piece of paper that he pasted to the base of the small anvil: stake. In that way he was sure of not forgetting it in the future. It did not occur to him that this was the first manifestation of a loss of memory, because the object had a difficult name to remember. But a few days later be, discovered that he had trouble remembering almost every object in the laboratory. Then he marked them with their respective names so that all he had to do was read the inscription in order to identify them. When his father told him about his alarm at having forgotten even the most impressive happenings of his childhood, Aureliano explained his method to him, and José Arcadio Buendía put it into practice all through the house and later on imposed it on the whole village. With an inked brush he marked everything with its name: table, chair, clock, door, wall, bed, pan. He went to the corral and marked the animals and plants: cow, goat, pig, hen, cassava, caladium, banana. Little by little, studying the infinite possibilities of a loss of memory, he realized that the day might come when things would be recognized by their inscriptions but that no one would remember their use. Then he was more explicit. The sign that he hung on the neck of the cow was an exemplary proof of the way in which the inhabitants of Macondo were prepared to fight against loss of memory: This is the cow. She must be milked every morning so that she will produce milk, and the milk must be boiled in order to be mixed with coffee to make coffee and milk. Thus they went on living in a reality that was slipping away, momentarily captured by words, but which would escape irremediably when they forgot the values of the written letters.在几个月中帮助大家跟隐忘症进行斗争的办法,是奥雷连诺发明的。他发现这种办法也很偶然。奥雷连诺是个富有经验的病人——因为他是失眠症的第一批患者之一——完全掌握了首饰技术。有一次,他需要一个平常用来捶平金属的小铁砧,可是记不起它叫什么了。父亲提醒他:“铁砧。”奥雷连诺就把这个名字记在小纸片上,贴在铁砧底儿上。现在,他相信再也不会忘记这个名字了。可他没有想到,这件事儿只是健忘症的第一个表现。过了几天他已觉得,他费了大劲才记起试验室内几乎所有东西的名称。于是,他给每样东西都贴上标签,现在只要一看签条上的字儿,就能确定这是什么东西了。不安的父亲叫苦连天,说他忘了童年时代甚至印象最深的事儿,奥雷连诺就把自己的办法告诉他,于是霍·阿·布恩蒂亚首先在自己家里加以采用,然府在全镇推广。他用小刷子蘸了墨水,给房里的每件东西都写上名称:“桌”、“钟”、“们”、“墙”、“床”、“锅”。然后到畜栏和田地里去,也给牲畜、家禽和植物标上名字:“牛”、“山羊”、“猪”、“鸡”、“木薯”、“香蕉”。人们研究各种健忘的事物时逐渐明白,他们即使根据签条记起了东西的名称,有朝一日也会想不起它的用途。随后,他们就把签条搞得很复杂了。一头乳牛脖子上挂的牌子,清楚他说明马孔多居民是如何跟健忘症作斗争的:“这是一头乳牛。每天早晨挤奶,就可得到牛奶,把牛奶煮沸,掺上咖啡,就可得牛奶咖啡。”就这样,他们生活在经常滑过的现实中,借助字儿能把现实暂时抓住,可是一旦忘了字儿的意义,现实也就难免忘诸脑后了。