"Somebody is coming," he told her. |
“有人就要来咱们这儿啦,”他说。 |
úrsula, as she did whenever he made a prediction, tried to break it down with her housewifely logic. It was normal for someone to be coming. Dozens of strangers came through Macondo every day without arousing suspicion or secret ideas. Nevertheless, beyond all logic, Aureliano was sure of his prediction. |
象往常一样,儿子预言什么事情,她就用家庭主妇的逻辑破除他的预言。有人到这儿来,那没有什么特别嘛。每天都有几十个外地人经过马孔多,可这并没有叫人操心,他们来到这儿,并不需要预言。然而,奥雷连诺不顾一切逻辑,相信自己的预言。 |
"I don"t know who it will be," he insisted, "but whoever it is is already on the way." |
“我不知道来的人是谁,”他坚持说,“可这个人已在路上啦。” |
That Sunday, in fact, Rebeca arrived. She was only eleven years old. She had made the difficult trip from Manaure with some hide dealers who had taken on the task of delivering her along with a letter to José Arcadio Buendía, but they could not explain precisely who the person was who had asked the favor. Her entire baggage consisted of a small trunk, a little rocking chair with small hand-painted flowers, and a canvas sack which kept making a cloc-cloc-cloc sound, where she carried her parents" bones. The letter addressed to José Arcadio Buendía was written is very warm terms by someone who still loved him very much in spite of time and distance, and who felt obliged by a basic humanitarian feeling to do the charitable thing and send him that poor unsheltered orphan, who was a second cousin of úrsula"s and consequently also a relative of José Arcadio Buendía, although farther removed, because she was the daughter of that unforgettable friend Nicanor Ulloa and his very worthy wife Rebeca Montiel, may God keep them in His holy kingdom, whose remains the girl was carrying so that they might be given Christian burial. The names mentioned, as well as the signature on the letter, were perfectly legible, but neither José Arcadio, Buendía nor úrsula remembered having any relatives with those names, nor did they know anyone by the name of the sender of the letter, much less the remote village of Manaure. It was impossible to obtain any further information from the girl. From the moment she arrived she had been sitting in the rocker, sucking her finger and observing everyone with her large, startled eyes without giving any sign of understanding what they were asking her. She wore a diagonally striped dress that had been dyed black, worn by use, and a pair of scaly patent leather boots. Her hair was held behind her ears with bows of black ribbon. She wore a scapular with the images worn away by sweat, and on her right wrist the fang of a carnivorous animal mounted on a backing of copper as an amulet against the evil eye. Her greenish skin, her stomach, round and tense as a drum. revealed poor health and hunger that were older than she was, but when they gave her something to eat she kept the plate on her knees without tasting anything. They even began to think that she was a deafmute until the Indians asked her in their language if she wanted some water and she moved her eyes as if she recognized them and said yes with her head. |
的确,星期天来了个雷贝卡。她顶多只有十一岁,是跟一些皮货商从马诺尔村来的,经历了艰苦的旅程,这些皮货商受托将这个姑娘连同一封信送到霍·阿·布恩蒂亚家里,但要求他们帮忙的人究竟是推,他们就说不清楚了。这姑娘的全部行李是一只小衣箱、一把画着鲜艳花朵的木制小摇椅以及一个帆布袋;袋子里老是发出“咔嚓、咔嚓、咔嚓”的响声——那儿装的是她父母的骸骨。捎绘霍·间·布恩蒂亚的信是某人用特别亲切的口吻写成的,这人说,尽管时间过久,距离颇远,他还是热爱霍·阿·布恩蒂亚的,觉得自己应当根据基本的人道精神做这件善事——把孤苦伶何的小姑娘送到霍·阿·布恩蒂亚这儿来;这小姑娘是乌苏娜的表侄女,也就是霍·阿·布恩蒂亚的亲戚,虽是远房的亲戚;因为她是他难忘的朋友尼康诺尔·乌洛阿和他可敬的妻子雷贝卡·蒙蒂埃尔的亲女儿,他们已去天国,现由这小姑娘把他们的骸骨带去,希望能照基督教的礼仪把它们埋掉。以上两个名字和信未的签名都写得十分清楚,可是霍·阿·布恩蒂亚和乌苏娜都记不得这样的亲戚,也记不起人遥远的马诺尔村捎信来的这个熟人了。从小姑娘身上了解更多的情况是完全不可能的。她一走进屋子,马上坐在自己的摇椅里,开始咂吮指头,两只惊骇的大眼睛望着大家,根本不明白人家问她什么。她穿着染成黑色的斜纹布旧衣服和裂开的漆皮鞋。扎在耳朵后面的两络头发,是用黑蝴蝶系住的。脖子上挂着一只香袋,香袋上有一个汗水弄污的圣像,而右腕上是个铜链条,链条上有一个猛兽的獠牙——防止毒眼的小玩意。她那有点发绿的皮肤和胀鼓鼓、紧绷绷的肚子,证明她健康不佳和经常挨饿,但别人给她拿来吃的,她却一动不动地继续坐着,甚至没有摸一摸放在膝上的盘子。大家已经认为她是个聋哑姑娘,可是印第安人用自己的语言问她想不想喝水,她马上转动眼珠,仿佛认出了他们,肯定地点了点头。 |
They kept her, because there was nothing else they could do. They decided to call her Rebeca, which according to the letter was her mother"s name, because Aureliano had the patience to read to her the names of all the saints and he did not get a reaction from any one of them. Since there was no cemetery in Macondo at that time, for no one had died up till then, they kept the bag of bones to wait for a worthy place of burial, and for a long time it got in the way everywhere and would be found where least expected, always with its clucking of a broody hen. A long time passed before Rebeca became incorporated into the life of the family. She would sit in her small rocker sucking her finger in the most remote corner of the house. Nothing attracted her attention except the music of the clocks, which she would look for every half hour with her frightened eyes as if she hoped to find it someplace in the air. They could not get her to eat for several days. No one understood why she had not died of hunger until the Indians, who were aware of everything, for they went ceaselessly about the house on their stealthy feet, discovered that Rebeca only liked to eat the damp earth of the courtyard and the cake of whitewash that she picked of the walls with her nails. It was obvious that her parents, or whoever had raised her, had scolded her for that habit because she did it secretively and with a feeling of guilt, trying to put away supplies so that she could eat when no one was looking. From then on they put her under an implacable watch. They threw cow gall onto the courtyard and, rubbed hot chili on the walls, thinking they could defeat her pernicious vice with those methods, but she showed such signs of astuteness and ingenuity to find some earth that úrsula found herself forced to use more drastic methods. She put some orange juice and rhubarb into a pan that she left in the dew all night and she gave her the dose the following day on an empty stomach. Although no one had told her that it was the specific remedy for the vice of eating earth, she thought that any bitter substance in an empty stomach would have to make the liver react. Rebeca was so rebellious and strong in spite of her frailness that they had to tie her up like a calf to make her swallow the medicine, and they could barely keep back her kicks or bear up under the strange hieroglyphics that she alternated with her bites and spitting, and that, according to what the scandalized Indians said, were the vilest obscenities that one could ever imagine in their language. When úrsula discovered that, she added whipping to the treatment. It was never established whether it was the rhubarb or the beatings that had effect, or both of them together, but the truth was that in a few weeks Rebeca began to show signs of recovery. She took part in the games of Arcadio and Amaranta, who treated her like an older sister, and she ate heartily, using the utensils properly. It was soon revealed that she spoke Spanish with as much fluency as the Indian language, that she had a remarkable ability for manual work, and that she could sing the waltz of the clocks with some very funny words that she herself had invented. It did not take long for them to consider her another member of the family. She was more affectionate to úrsula than any of her own children had been, and she called Arcadio, and Amaranta brother and sister, Aureliano uncle, and José Arcadio Buendía grandpa. So that she finally deserved, as much as the others, the name of Rebeca Buendía, the only one that she ever had and that she bore with dignity until her death. |
他们收留了她,因为没有其他办法。他们决定按照信上对她母亲的称呼,也管她叫雷贝卡,因为奥雷连诺虽然不厌其烦地在她面前提到一切圣徒的名字,但她对任何一个名字都无反应。当时马孔多没有墓地,因为还没死过一个人,装着骸骨的袋于就藏了起来,等到有了合适的地方再埋葬,所以长时间里,这袋子总是东藏西放,塞在难以发现的地方,可是经常发出“咔嚓、咔嚓、咔嚓”的响声,就象下蛋的母鸡咯咯直叫。过了很久雷贝卡才跟这家人的生活协调起来。起初她有个习惯:在僻静的屋角里,坐在摇椅上咂吮指头。任何东西都没引起她的注意,不过,每过半小时响起钟声的时候,她都惊骇地四面张望,仿佛想在空中发现这种声音似的。好多天都无法叫她吃饭。谁也不明白她为什么没有饿死,直到熟悉一切的印第安人发现(因为他们在屋子里用无声的脚步不断地来回走动)雷贝卡喜欢吃的只是院子里的泥土和她用指甲从墙上刨下的一块块石灰。显然,由于这个恶劣的习惯,父母或者养育她的人惩罚过她,泥上和石灰她都是偷吃的,她知道不对,而且尽量留存一些,无人在旁时可以自由自在地饱餐一顿。从此,他们对雷贝卡进行了严密的监视,给院子里的泥土浇上牛胆,给房屋的墙壁抹上辛辣的印第安胡椒,恕用这种办法革除姑娘的恶习,但她为了弄到这类吃的,表现了那样的机智和发明才干,使得乌苏娜不得不采取最有效的措施。她把盛着橙子汁和大黄的锅子整夜放在露天里,次日早饭之前拿这种草药给雷贝卡喝。虽然谁也不会建议乌苏娜拿这种混合药剂来治疗不良的泥土嗜好,她还是认为任何苦涩的液体进了空肚子,都会在肝脏里引起反应。雷贝卡尽管样子瘦弱,却十分倔强:要她吃药,就得把她象小牛一样缚住,因为她拼命挣扎,乱抓、乱咬、乱哗,大声叫嚷,今人莫名其妙,据印第安人说,她在骂人,这是古阿吉洛语中最粗鲁的骂人活。乌苏娜知道了这一点,就用鞭挞加强治疗。所以从来无法断定,究竟什么取得了成效——大黄呢,鞭子呢,或者二者一起;大家知道的只有一点,过了几个星期,雷贝卡开始出现康复的征象。现在,她跟阿卡蒂奥和阿玛兰塔一块儿玩耍了,她们拿她当做姐姐;她吃饭有味了,会用刀叉了。随后发现,她说西班牙语象印第安语一样流利,她很能做针线活,还会用自编的可爱歌词照自鸣钟的华尔兹舞曲歌唱。很快,她就似乎成了一个新的家庭成员,她比亲生子女对乌苏娜还亲热; 她把阿玛兰塔叫做妹妹,把阿卡蒂奥叫做弟弟,把奥雷连诺称做叔叔,把霍·阿,布恩蒂亚称做伯伯。这么一来,她和其他的人一样就有权叫做雷贝卡·布恩蒂亚了,——这是她唯一的名字,至死都体面地叫这个名字。 |