For several weeks José Arcadio Buendía let himself be overcome by consternation. He took care of little Amaranta like a mother. He bathed and dressed her, took her to be nursed four times a day, and even sang to her at night the songs that úrsula never knew how to sing. On a certain occasion Pilar Ternera volunteered to do the household chores until úrsula came back. Aureliano, whose mysterious intuition had become sharpened with the misfortune, felt a glow of clairvoyance when he saw her come in. Then he knew that in some inexplicable way she was to blame for his brother"s flight and the consequent disappearance of his mother, and he harassed her with a silent and implacable hostility in such a way that the woman did not return to the house. |
霍·阿·布恩蒂亚苦恼了好久。他象母亲一样照拂小女儿阿玛兰塔。他给她洗澡、换襁褓,一天四次抱她去奶妈那儿,晚上甚至给她唱歌(乌苏娜是从来不会唱歌的)。有一次,皮拉·苔列娜自愿来这儿照料家务,直到乌苏娜回来。在不幸之中,奥雷连诺神秘的洞察力更加敏锐了,他一见皮拉·苔列娜走进屋来,就好象恍然大悟。他明白:根据某种无法说明的原因,他哥哥的逃亡和母亲的失踪都是这个女人的过错,所以他用那么一声不吭和嫉恶如仇的态度对待她,她就再也不来了。 |
Time put things in their place. José Arcadio Buendía and his son did not know exactly when they returned to the laboratory, dusting things, lighting the water pipe, involved once more in the patient manipulation of the material that had been sleeping for several months in its bed of manure. Even Amaranta, lying in a wicker basket, observed with curiosity the absorbing work of her father and her brother in the small room where the air was rarefied by mercury vapors. On a certain occasion, months after úrsula"s departure, strange things began to happen. An empty flask that had been forgotten in a cupboard for a long time became so heavy that it could not be moved. A pan of water on the worktable boiled without any fire under it for a half hour until it completely evaporated. José Arcadio Buendía and his son observed those phenomena with startled excitement, unable to explain them but interpreting them as predictions of the material. One day Amaranta"s basket began to move by itself and made a complete turnabout the room, to the consternation of Auerliano, who hurried to stop it. But his father did not get upset. He put the basket in its place and tied it to the leg of a table, convinced that the longawaited event was imminent. It was on that occasion that Auerliano heard him say: |
时间一过,一切照旧。霍·阿·布恩蒂亚和他的儿子自己也不知道,他们究竟是什么时候回到试验室里的,他们打扫了尘上,点燃了炉火,又专心地忙于摆弄那在一堆肥料上放了几个月的东西了。阿玛兰塔躺在一只柳条篮子里,房间中的空气充满了汞气;她好奇地望着爸爸和哥哥聚精会神地工作。乌苏娜失踪之后过了几个月,试验室里开始发生奇怪的事。早就扔在厨房里的空瓶子忽然重得无法挪动。工作台上锅里的水无火自沸起来,咕嘟了整整半个小时,直到完全蒸发。霍·阿·布恩蒂亚和他的儿子对这些怪事都很惊讶、激动,不知如何解释,但把它们看成是新事物的预兆。有一天,阿玛兰塔的篮子突然自己动了起来,在房间里绕圈子,奥雷连诺看了非常吃惊,赶忙去把它拦住。可是霍·阿·布恩蒂亚一点也不惊异。他把篮子放在原处,拴在桌腿上面。篮子的移动终于使他相信,他们的希望快要实现了。就在这时,奥雷连诺听见他说: |
"If you don"t fear God, fear him through the metals. |
“即使你不害怕上帝,你也会害怕金属。” |
Suddenly, almost five months after her disappearance, úrsula came back. She arrived exalted, rejuvenated, with new clothes in a style that was unknown in the village. José Arcadio Buendía could barely stand up under the impact. "That was it!" he shouted. "I knew it was going to happen." And he really believed it, for during his prolonged imprisonment as he manipulated the material, he begged in the depth of his heart that the longed-for miracle should not be the discovery of the philosopher"s stone, or the freeing of the breath that makes metals live, or the faculty to convert the hinges and the locks of the house into gold, but what had just happened: úrsula"s return. But she did not share his excitement. She gave him a conventional kiss, as if she had been away only an hour, and she told him: |
失踪之后几乎过了五个月,乌苏娜回来了。她显得异常兴奋;有点返老还童,穿着村里人谁也没有穿过的新式衣服。霍·阿·布恩蒂亚高兴得差点儿发了疯,“原来如此!正象我预料的!”他叫了起来。这是真的,因为待在试验室里进行物质试验的长时间中,他曾在内心深处祈求上帝,他所期待的奇迹不是发现点金石,也不是哈口气让金属具有生命,更不是发明一种办法,以便把金子变成房锁和窗子的铰链,而是刚刚发生的事——乌苏娜的归来。但她并没有跟他一起发狂地高兴。她照旧给了丈夫一个乐吻,仿佛他俩不过一小时以前才见过面似的。说道: |
"Look out the door." |
“到门外去看看吧!” |
José Arcadio Buendía took a long time to get out of his perplexity when he went out into the street and saw the crowd. They were not gypsies. They were men and women like them, with straight hair and dark skin, who spoke the same language and complained of the same pains. They had mules loaded down with things to eat, oxcarts with furniture and domestic utensils, pure and simple earthly accessories put on sale without any fuss by peddlers of everyday reality. They came from the other side of the swamp, only two days away, where there were towns that received mail every month in the year and where they were familiar with the implements of good living. úrsula had not caught up with the gypsies, but she had found the route that her husband had been unable to discover in his frustrated search for the great inventions. |
霍·阿·布恩蒂亚走到街上,看见自己房子前面的一群人,他好半天才从混乱状态中清醒过来。这不是吉卜赛人,而是跟马孔多村民一样的男人和女人,平直的头发,黝黑的皮肤,说的是同样的语言,抱怨的是相同的痛苦。站在他们旁边的是驮着各种食物的骡子,套上阉牛的大车,车上载着家具和家庭用具——一尘世生活中必不可缺的简单用具,这些用具是商人每天都在出售的。这些人是从沼泽地另一边来的,总共两天就能到达那儿,可是那儿建立了城镇,那里的人一年当中每个月都能收到邮件,而且使用能够改善生活的机器。乌苏娜没有追上吉卜赛人,但却发现了她丈夫枉然寻找伟大发明时未能发现的那条道路。 |