Holding a child by each hand so as not to lose them in the tumult, bumping into acrobats with gold-capped teeth and jugglers with six arms, suffocated by the mingled breath of manure and sandals that the crowd exhaled, José Arcadio Buendía went about everywhere like a madman, looking for Melquíades so that he could reveal to him the infinite secrets of that fabulous nightmare. He asked several gypsies, who did not understand his language. Finally he reached the place where Melquíades used to set up his tent and he found a taciturn Armenian who in Spanish was hawking a syrup to make oneself invisible. He had drunk down a glass of the amber substance in one gulp as José Arcadio Buendía elbowed his way through the absorbed group that was witnessing the spectacle, and was able to ask his question. The gypsy wrapped him in the frightful climate of his look before he turned into a puddle of pestilential and smoking pitch over which the echo of his reply still floated: "Melquíades is dead." Upset by the news,José Arcadio Buendía stood motionless, trying to rise above his affliction, until the group dispersed, called away by other artifices, and the puddle of the taciturn Armenian evaporated completely. Other gypsies confirmed later on that Melquíades had in fact succumbed to the fever on the beach at Singapore and that his body had been thrown into the deepest part of the Java Sea. The children had no interest in the news. They insisted that their father take them to see the overwhelming novelty of the sages of Memphis that was being advertised at the entrance of a tent that, according to what was said, had belonged to King Solomon. They insisted so much that José Arcadio Buendía paid the thirty reales and led them into the center of the tent, where there was a giant with a hairy torso and a shaved head, with a copper ring in his nose and a heavy iron chain on his ankle, watching over a pirate chest. When it was opened by the giant, the chest gave off a glacial exhalation. Inside there was only an enormous,transparent block with infinite internal needles in which the light of the sunset was broken up into colored stars. Disconcerted, knowing that the children were waiting for an immediate explanation, José Arcadio Buendía ventured a murmur: |
霍·何·布恩蒂亚象疯子一样东窜西窜,到处寻找梅尔加德斯,希望从他那儿了解这种神奇梦景的许多秘密。他手里牵着两个孩了,生怕他们在拥挤的人群中丢失,不时碰见镶着金牙的江湖艺人或者六条胳膊的魔术师。人群中发出屎尿和檀香混合的味儿,叫他喘不上气。他向吉卜赛人打听梅尔加德斯,可是他们不懂他的语言。最后,他到了梅尔加德斯往常搭帐篷的地方。此刻,那儿坐着一个脸色阴郁的亚美尼亚吉卜赛人,正在用西班牙语叫卖一种隐身糖浆,当这吉卜赛人刚刚一下子喝完一杯琥珀色的无名饮料时,霍·阿·布恩蒂亚挤过一群看得出神的观众,向吉卜赛人提出了自己的问题。吉卜赛人用奇异的眼光瞅了瞅他,立刻变成一滩恶臭的、冒烟的沥青,他的答话还在沥青上发出回声:“梅尔加德斯死啦。”霍·阿·布恩蒂亚听到这个消息,不胜惊愕,呆若木鸡,试图控制自己的悲伤,直到观众被其他的把戏吸引过去,亚美尼亚吉卜赛人变成的一滩沥青挥发殆尽。然后,另一个吉卜赛人证实,梅尔加德斯在新加坡海滩上患疟疾死了,尸体抛入了爪哇附近的大海。孩子们对这个消息并无兴趣,就拉着父亲去看写在一个帐这招牌上的孟菲斯学者的新发明,如果相信它所写的,这个脓篷从前属于所罗门王。孩子们纠缠不休,霍·阿·布恩蒂亚只得付了三十里亚尔,带着他们走进帐篷,那儿有个剃光了脑袋的巨人,浑身是毛,鼻孔里穿了个铜环,脚跺上拴了条沉重的铁链,守着一只海盗用的箱子,巨人揭开盖子,箱子里就冒出一股刺骨的寒气。箱子坠只有一大块透明的东西,这玩意儿中间有无数白色的细针,傍晚的霞光照到这些细针,细针上面就现出了许多五颜六色的星星。霍·阿·布恩蒂亚感到大惑不解,但他知道孩子们等着他立即解释,便大胆地嘟嚷说: |
"It"s the largest diamond in the world." |
“这是世界上最大的钻石。” |
"No," the gypsy countered. "It"s ice." |
“不,”吉卜赛巨人纠正他。“这是冰块。” |
José Arcadio Buendía, without understanding, stretched out his hand toward the cake, but the giant moved it away. "Five reales more to touch it," he said. José Arcadio Buendía paid them and put his hand on the ice and held it there for several minutes as his heart filled with fear and jubilation at the contact with mystery. Without knowing what to say, he paid ten reales more so that his sons could have that prodigious experience. Little José Arcadio refused to touch it. Aureliano, on the other hand, took a step forward and put his hand on it, withdrawing it immediately. "It"s boiling," he exclaimed, startled. But his father paid no attention to him. Intoxicated by the evidence of the miracle, he forgot at that moment about the frustration of his delirious undertakings and Melquíades" body, abandoned to the appetite of the squids. He paid another five reales and with his hand on the cake, as if giving testimony on the holy scriptures, he exclaimed: |
莫名其妙的霍·阿·布恩蒂亚向这块东西伸过手去,可是巨人推开了他的手。“再交五个里亚尔才能摸,”巨人说。霍·阿·布恩蒂亚付了五个里亚尔,把手掌放在冰块上呆了几分钟;接触这个神秘的东西,他的心里充满了恐惧和喜悦,他不知道如何向孩子们解释这种不太寻常的感觉,又付了十个里亚尔,想让他们自个儿试一试,大儿子霍·阿卡蒂奥拒绝去摸。相反地,奥雷连诺却大胆地弯下腰去,将手放在冰上,可是立即缩回手来。“这东西热得烫手!”他吓得叫了一声。父亲没去理会他。这时,他对这个显然的奇迹欣喜若狂,竞忘了自己那些幻想的失败,也忘了葬身鱼腹的梅尔加德斯。霍·阿·布恩蒂亚又付了五个里亚尔,就象出庭作证的人把手放在《圣经》上一样,庄严地将手放在冰块上,说道: |
"This is the great invention of our time." |
“这是我们这个时代最伟大的发明。” |