【名著阅读】《百年孤独》第1章Part 9

来源:仪征中学 时间:2021-09-30
José Arcadio, the older of the children, was fourteen. He had a square head, thick hair, and his father"s character. Although he had the same impulse for growth and physical strength, it was early evident that he lacked imagination. He had been conceived and born during the difficult crossing of the mountains, before the founding of Macondo, and his parents gave thanks to heaven when they saw he had no animal features. Aureliano, the first human being to be born in Macondo, would be six years old in March. He was silent and withdrawn. He had wept in his mother"s womb and had been born with his eyes open. As they were cutting the umbilical cord, he moved his head from side to side, taking in the things in the room and examining the faces of the people with a fearless curiosity. Then, indifferent to those who came close to look at him, he kept his attention concentrated on the palm roof, which looked as if it were about to collapse under the tremendous pressure of the rain. úrsula did not remember the intensity of that look again until one day when little Aureliano, at the age of three, went into the kitchen at the moment she was taking a pot of boiling soup from the stove and putting it on the table. The child, Perplexed, said from the doorway, "It"s going to spill." The pot was firmly placed in the center of the table, but just as soon as the child made his announcement, it began an unmistakable movement toward the edge, as if impelled by some inner dynamism, and it fell and broke on the floor. úrsula, alarmed, told her husband about the episode, but he interpreted it as a natural phenomenon. That was the way he always was alien to the existence of his sons, partly because he considered childhood as a period of mental insufficiency, and partly because he was always too absorbed in his fantastic speculations. 大儿子霍·网卡蒂奥满了十四岁,长着方方的脑袋和蓬松的头发,性情象他父亲一样执拗。他虽有父亲那样的体力,可能长得象父亲一般魁伟,但他显然缺乏父亲那样的想象力。他是在马孔多建村之前翻山越岭的艰难途程中诞生的。父母确信孩子没有任何牲畜的特征,都感谢上帝。奥雷连诺是在马孔多出生的第一个人,三月间该满六岁了。这孩子性情孤僻、沉默寡言。他在母亲肚子里就哭哭啼啼,是睁着眼睛出世的。人家给他割掉脐带的时候,他把脑袋扭来扭去,仿佛探察屋里的东西,并且好奇地瞅着周围的人,一点儿山不害怕。随后,对于走到跟前来瞧他的人,他就不感兴趣了,而把自己的注意力集中在棕搁叶铺盖的房顶上;在倾盆大雨下,房顶每分钟都有塌下的危险。乌苏娜记得后来还看见过孩子的这种紧张的神情。有一天,三岁的小孩儿奥雷连诺走进厨房,她正巧把一锅煮沸的汤从炉灶拿到桌上。孩子犹豫不决地站在门槛边,惊惶地说:“马上就要摔下啦。”汤锅是稳稳地放在桌子中央的,可是孩子刚说出这句话,它仿佛受到内力推动似的,开始制止不住地移到桌边,然后掉到地上摔得粉碎。不安的乌苏娜把这桩事情告诉丈夫,可他把这种事情说成是自然现象。经常都是这样:霍·阿·布恩蒂亚不关心孩子的生活,一方面是因为他认为童年是智力不成熟的时期,另一方面是因为他一头扎进了荒唐的研究。
But since the afternoon when he called the children in to help him unpack the things in the laboratory, he gave them his best hours. In the small separate room, where the walls were gradually being covered by strange maps and fabulous drawings, he taught them to read and write and do sums, and he spoke to them about the wonders of the world, not only where his learning had extended, but forcing the limits of his imagination to extremes. It was in that way that the boys ended up learning that in the southern extremes of Africa there were men so intelligent and peaceful that their only pastime was to sit and think, and that it was possible to cross the Aegean Sea on foot by jumping from island to island all the way to the port of Salonika. Those hallucinating sessions remained printed on the memories of the boys in such a way that many years later, a second before the regular army officer gave the firing squad the command to fire, Colonel Aureliano Buendía saw once more that warm March afternoon on which his father had interrupted the lesson in physics and stood fascinated, with his hand in the air and his eyes motionless, listening to the distant pipes, drums, and jingles of the gypsies, who were coming to the village once more, announcing the latest and most startling discovery of the sages of Memphis. 但是,从他招呼孩丁们帮他取出箱子里的试验仪器的那夭下午起,他就把他最好的时间用在他们身上了。在僻静的小室墙壁上,难子置信的地图和稀奇古怪的图表越来越多;在这间小宝里,他教孩子们读书、写字和计算:同时,不仅依靠自己掌握的知识,而已广泛利用自己无限的想象力,向孩子们介绍世界上的奇迹。孩子们由此知道,非洲南端有一种聪明、温和的人,他们的消遣就是坐着静思,而爱琴海是可以步行过去的,从一个岛屿跳上另一个岛屿,一直可以到达萨洛尼卡港。这些荒诞不经的夜谈深深地印在孩子们的脑海里,多年以后,政府军的军官命令行刑队开枪之前的片刻间,奥雷连诺上校重新忆起了那个暖和的三月的下午,当时他的父亲听到远处吉卜赛人的笛鼓声,就中断了物理课,两眼一动不动,举着手愣住了;这些吉卜赛人再一次来到村里,将向村民介绍孟菲斯学者们惊人的最新发明。
They were new gypsies, young men and women who knew only their own language, handsome specimens with oily skins and intelligent hands, whose dances and music sowed a panic of uproarious joy through the streets, with parrots painted all colors reciting Italian arias, and a hen who laid a hundred golden eggs to the sound of a tambourine, and a trained monkey who read minds, and the multi-use machine that could be used at the same time to sew on buttons and reduce fevers, and the apparatus to make a person forget his bad memories, and a poultice to lose time, and a thousand more inventions so ingenious and unusual that José Arcadio Buendía must have wanted to invent a memory machine so that he could remember them all. In an instant they transformed the village. The inhabitants of Macondo found themselves lost is their own streets, confused by the crowded fair. 这是另一批吉卜赛人。男男女女部都挺年青,只说本族话,是一群皮肤油亮、双手灵巧的漂亮人物。他们载歌载舞,兴高采烈,闹嚷嚷地经过街头,带来了各样东西:会唱意大利抒情歌曲的彩色鹦鹅;随着鼓声一次至少能下一百只金蛋的母鸡;能够猜出人意的猴子;既能缝钮扣、又能退烧的多用机器;能够使人忘却辛酸往事的器械,能够帮助消磨时间的膏药,此外还有其他许多巧妙非凡的发明,以致霍·阿·布恩蒂亚打算发明一种记忆机器,好把这一切全都记住。瞬息间,村子里的面貌就完全改观人人群熙攘,闹闹喧喧,马孔多的居民在自己的街道上也迷失了方向。