【名著阅读】《百年孤独》第1章Part 3

来源:仪征中学 时间:2021-09-24
"It"s the smell of the devil," she said. “这是魔鬼的气味,”她说。
"Not at all," Melquíades corrected her. "It has been proven that the devil has sulphuric properties and this is just a little corrosive sublimate." “根本不是,”梅尔加德斯纠正她。“别人证明魔鬼只有硫磺味,这儿不过是一点点升汞。”
Always didactic, he went into a learned exposition of the diabolical properties of cinnabar, but úrsula paid no attention to him, although she took the children off to pray. That biting odor would stay forever in her mind linked to the memory of Melquíades. 接着,他用同样教诲的口吻大谈特谈朱砂的特性。乌苏娜对他的话没有任何兴趣,就带着孩子析祷去了。后来,这种刺鼻的气味经常使她想起梅尔加德斯。
The rudimentary laboratory-in addition to a profusion of pots, funnels, retorts, filters, and sieves-was made up of a primitive water pipe, a glass beaker with a long, thin neck, a reproduction of the philosopher"s egg, and a still the gypsies themselves had built in accordance with modern descriptions of the three-armed alembic of Mary the Jew. Along with those items, Melquíades left samples of the seven metals that corresponded to the seven planets, the formulas of Moses and Zosimus for doubling the quantity of gold, and a set of notes and sketches concerning the processes of the Great Teaching that would permit those who could interpret them to undertake the manufacture of the philosopher"s stone. Seduced by the simplicity of the formulas to double the quantity of gold, José Arcadio Buendía paid court to úrsula for several weeks so that she would let him dig up her colonial coins and increase them by as many times as it was possible to subdivide mercury. úrsula gave in, as always, to her husband"s unyielding obstinacy. Then José Arcadio Buendía threw three doubloons into a pan and fused them with copper filings, orpiment, brimstone, and lead. He put it all to boil in a pot of castor oil until he got a thick and pestilential syrup which was more like common caramel than valuable gold. In risky and desperate processes of distillation, melted with the seven planetary metals, mixed with hermetic mercury and vitriol of Cyprus, and put back to cook in hog fat for lack of any radish oil, úrsula"s precious inheritance was reduced to a large piece of burnt hog cracklings that was firmly stuck to the bottom of the pot. 除了许多铁锅、漏斗、曲颈瓶、筛子和过滤器,简陋的试验室里还有普通熔铁炉、长颈玻璃烧瓶、点金石仿制品以及三臂蒸馏器;此种蒸馏器是犹太女人马利姬曾经用过的,现由吉卜赛人自己按照最新说明制成。此外,梅尔加德斯还留下了七种与六个星球有关的金属样品、摩西和索西莫斯的倍金方案、炼金术笔记和图解,谁能识别这些笔记和图解,谁就能够制作点金石。霍·阿·布恩蒂亚认为倍金方案比较简单,就入迷了。他一连几个星期缠住乌苏娜,央求她从密藏的小盒子里掏出旧金币来,让金子成倍地增加,水银能够分成多少份,金子就能增加多少倍。象往常一样,鸟苏娜没有拗过大夫的固执要求。于是,霍·阿·布恩蒂亚把三十枚金币丢到铁锅里,拿它们跟雌黄、铜屑、水银和铅一起熔化。然后又把这一切倒在蓖麻油锅里,在烈火上熬了一阵。直到最后熬成一锅恶臭的浓浆,不象加倍的金子,倒象普通的焦糖。经过多次拼命的、冒阶的试验:蒸馏啦,跟七种天体金属一起熔炼啦,加进黑梅斯水银和塞浦路斯硫酸盐啦,在猪油里重新熬煮啦(因为没有萝卜油),乌苏娜的宝贵遗产变成了一大块焦糊