
来源:仪征中学 时间:2021-09-17

第四章 对缺陷的慰藉 Consolation for Inadequacy

本章谈到的是法国思想家蒙田。蒙 田(Michel·de·Montaigne , 1533-1592):他是启蒙运动以前法国的一位知识权威和批评家,是一位人类感情的冷峻的观察家,亦是对各民族文化,特别是西方文化进行冷静研究的学 者。从他的思想和感情来看,人们似乎可以把他看成是在他那个时代出现的一位现代人。他的散文主要是哲学随笔,因其丰富的思想内涵而闻名于世,被誉为“思想 的宝库”。(以上资料来自网络百科)


It is tempting to quote authors when they express our very own thoughts but with a clarity and psychological accuracy we cannot match. They know us better than ourselves. What is shy and confused in us is succinctly and elegantly phrased in them, our pencil lines and annotations in the margins of their books and our borrowings from them indicating where we find a piece of ourselves, a sentence or two built of the very substance of which our own minds are made--a congruence all the more striking if the work was written in an age of togas and animal sacrifices. We invite these words into our books as a homage for reminding us of who we are.

Rabpag 笔记

  • 句型:it is tempting to do something, 做某事极具诱惑力,让人情不自禁。tempt:vt.吸引,引起…的兴趣

phrase :n.短语,词组,用语 vt.表达,叙述
congruence:n. 适合, 和谐, 全等
toga:n. 托加袍(古罗马男子穿的宽松罩袍), 官服
