
来源:仪征中学 时间:2021-06-18


One only realises one’s soul by getting rid of all alien passions, all acquired culture, and all external possessions be they good or evil....It was of course my soul in its ultimate essence that I had reached. In many ways I had been its enemy, but I found it waiting for me as a friend. When one comes in contact with the soul it makes one simple as a child, as Christ said one should be. It is tragic how few people ever “possess their souls” before they die. “Nothing is more rare in any man,” says Emerson, “than an act of his own.” It is quite true. Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their life a mimicry, their passions a quotation.


只有在摆脱了所有与之不合的情欲、所有习得的文化、所有的身外之物——不管是好是坏——之后,人才能领悟自己的灵魂。我所触及的,当然是自己灵魂最深处的本质。我曾多方与它为敌,没想到它却像朋友一样等着我。当人同灵魂相交时,就变得像小孩一样单纯,正如基督所要的那样。可悲的是,能在死前“ 拥有自己灵魂” 的人,又有几个? “任何人当中,”埃默森说过,“最难得的莫过于出自本人的行为。” 这话还真不假。大多数人都是别人的人。他们的思想是别人的想法,他们的生活是对别人的模仿,他们的激情是袭人牙慧的情感。


1、get rid of 摆脱;处理掉;丢弃;除去
【举例】I can"t get rid of this cold. 这一回我的感冒老是治不好。
He got rid of the van and bought a car. 他卖掉了货车,买了一辆轿车。
get rid of one"s bad habits 改掉坏习惯

2、alien a.外国的;陌生的;异己的;格格不入的
【举例】adjust to an alien culture 适应异族文化
I felt very alien during my first hours in that country. 初到该国我有种强烈的陌生感。
an effect utterly alien from the one intended 与原先意图大相径庭的结果
Luxury is alien to his nature. 奢侈并非他的本性。

3、acquire v.(通过努力)取得,获得;学到
【举例】acquire a habit 养成习惯
acquire a foreign language 学到一门外语
His brow has acquired its first wrinkle. 他的额头已经出现第一条皱纹。

4、mimic v.模仿,学样;酷似,呈现……的形象
【举例】mimic sb"s voice reasonably well 相当逼真地模仿某人的声音
In a mirage the desert will mimic a lake. 出现海市蜃楼时,沙漠会呈现出湖泊的景象。
