7.9 Nature which governs the whole will soon change all things which thou seest, and out of their substance will make other things, and again other things from the substance of them, in order that the world may be ever new.
7.10 When a man has done thee any wrong, immediately consider with what opinion about good or evil he has done wrong. For when thou hast seen this, thou wilt pity him, and wilt neither wonder nor be angry. For either thou thyself thinkest the same thing to be good that he does or another thing of the same kind. It is thy duty then to pardon him. But if thou dost not think such things to be good or evil, thou wilt more readily be welldisposed to him who is in error.
7.11 Think not so much of what thou hast not as of what thou hast: but of the things which thou hast select the best, and then reflect how eagerly they would have been sought, if thou hadst them not. At the same time however take care that thou dost not through being so pleased with them accustom thyself to overvalue them, so as to be disturbed if ever thou shouldst not have them.
7.12 Wipe out the imagination. Stop the pulling of the strings. Confine thyself to the present. Understand well what happens either to thee or to another. Divide and distribute every object into the causal (formal) and the material. Think of thy last hour. Let the wrong which is done by a man stay there where the wrong was done.
中文翻译: 7.9 支配着整体的理性不久将改变你见到的所有事物,而别的事物将从它们的实体中产生,这些事物又再被另一些事物取代,依此进行,世界就可以永远是新的。
7.10 当一个人对你做了什么错事时,马上考虑他是抱一种什么善恶观做了这些错事。因为当你明白了他的善恶观,你将怜悯他,即不奇怪也不生气。因为或者你自己会想与他做的相同的事是善,或者认为另一件同样性质的事是善的,那么宽恕他就是你的义务。但如果你不认为这样的事情是善的或恶的,你将更愿意好好地对待那在错误中的人。
7.11 不要老想着你没有的和已有的东西,而要想着你认为最好的东西,然后思考如果你还未拥有它们,要多么热切地追求它们。同时无论如何要注意,你还没有如此喜爱它们以致使自己习惯于十分尊重它们,这样使你在没有得到它们时就感到烦恼不安。
7.12 驱散幻想。不要受它们的牵引。把自己限制在当前。好好地理解对你或是对别人发生的事情,把每一物体划分为原因的(形式的)和质料的。想着你最后的时刻。让一个人所做的错事停留在原处。 |