
来源:仪征中学 时间:2021-03-26


6.30 It is in our power to have no opinion about a thing, and not to be disturbed in our soul; for things themselves have no natural power to form our judgements.

6.31 Accustom thyself to attend carefully to what is said by another, and as much as it is possible, be in the speaker"s mind.

6.32 If sailors abused the helmsman or the sick the doctor, would they listen to anybody else; or how could the helmsman secure the safety of those in the ship or the doctor the health of those whom he attends?

6.33 To the jaundiced honey tastes bitter, and to those bitten by mad dogs water causes fear; and to little children the ball is a fine thing. Why then am I angry? Dost thou think that a false opinion has less power than the bile in the jaundiced or the poison in him who is bitten by a mad dog?

jaundiced [adj]not expecting somebody/something to be good or useful, especially because of experiences that you have had in the past

6.34 What kind of people are those whom men wish to please, and for what objects, and by what kind of acts? How soon will time cover all things, and how many it has covered already.


6.30 对一件事不发表任何意见,使我们的灵魂不受扰乱,这是在我们力量范围之内的事情,因为事物本身并没有自然的力量形成我们的判断。

6.31 使你习惯于仔细地倾听别人所说的话,尽可能地进入说话者的心灵。

6.32 如果水手辱骂舵手或病人辱骂医生,他们还会听任何别的人的意见吗,或者舵手能保证那些在船上的人的安全、医生能保证那些他所诊治的人的健康吗?

6.33 对于黄疸病者来说,蜜尝起来是苦的;对于狂犬病患者来说,水会引起恐惧;对于孩子们来说,球是一种好东西。那么我为什么生气呢?你不认为一个错误的意见和黄疸病患者体内的胆汁或狂犬病患者体内的毒素一样有力量吗?

6.34 那么人们希望讨好的人是一种什么样的人呢?是因为什么目的,通过何种行为来讨好他们呢?时间要多么迅速地覆盖一切,而且它已经覆盖了多少东西啊!
