You no longer send out energy of desperation or the need to be filled from the outside. 你再不会向外散发绝望的气场,也不再需要外物来填充自己内心的空虚
You become a powerful source within yourself that attracts better. 你变成了一汪泉眼,会源源不断的生出正能量,也吸引更优秀的人靠近你
The more you love who you are, the less you seek validation and approval. 你越是爱自己本来的样子,越是不需要外界的确证和首肯
You"re growing in ways you don"t realize yet. 你以自己不知道的方式成长着
You’re being pushed out of your comfort zone to step into your truth. 你被推到了舒适区之外,步入了属于自己的真理之中
It"s all about evolving right now... 就在此刻,你正在不断完善自己
It"s all about letting go 敞开心门, 释放自我
and allowing change to take place. 接受改变
Keep breathing through it all. 深呼吸,让这一切浸润你的身心。
Everything is about to make sense. 一切都将步入正轨。